The Internet has selected the best artists in sports
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The results of the online voting in the contest of artists "World of Sports" were summed up: in the galleries "Picture" and "Sculpture", a public campaign continued for more than a month to select the best works of students of the Russian Academy of Arts. The total number of votes exceeded three thousand, of which more than half were from social networks, and some were from regional art schools. The winners of the online voting were: the picture “Winning” by the artist Maxim Korolkov (3 year), the composition “Ping Pong” by the sculptor Alena Gnidina (5 year).
Voting was organized as part of the Tenth Competition “World of Sports” on the website of the philanthropist Igor Minakov, for two public prizes the works of aspiring artists of St. Petersburg competed: the Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and the Johanson Academic Art Lyceum. 107 artists’ works competed in the Italian Hall of the Institute from April 15 to 23, 2015. Internet voting for two prizes (each 50,000 rubles) lasted more than a month and took place in two galleries: “Painting” (68 works competed) and “Sculpture” (39 works). In total, 3,317 votes were counted, 117 votes for the picture “Winning”, 40 for “Ping Pong”.
Assessing the exhibition “World of Sports” and the competition works, the rector and chairman of the jury of the Tenth Competition Semyon Mikhailovsky admitted: “Sport is an important part of our life. Students did a lot of work in which we saw humor, a sense of style, and art. The competition was a success. We see that very talented students study at the Academy. ”
According to the results of two votes of the tenth competition, the work “Ping Pong” of fifth-year student Alena Gnidina was recognized as the best sculpture - for the first time in the project the opinion of the Internet audience and visitors of the exhibition hall coincided. In her composition, the student sought to convey the energy of the Japanese game, the character and will of the athlete in the quest for victory, and chose the original composition with the movements of the figure in a limited area.
The picture “Winning” represents a Paralympic athlete for whom the stadium path becomes a circle of ascent to victory and a challenge to fate. The red color of the stadium increases the tension of the psychological sports match. The author of the picture, Maxim Korolkov, who won the Internet vote, noted that the patron’s competitions allow students to go beyond academic tasks and requirements. According to him, artists always worry when they compare their work with the works of other students. In April, at a competitive exhibition, viewers called the “Death Match” canvas by lyceum student Mikhail Tishakov the best picture.
For students of the Russian Academy of Arts, voting on the Internet remains a unique public competition for public recognition and a philanthropist award. Summing up the results of Internet voting has brought the finish line to the contest "World of Sports", which started in November last year. The names of 25 laureates of the prize of the philanthropist Igor Minakov were determined.
The first philanthropist competition for beginner artists of St. Petersburg started nine years ago, over the past years ten annual competitions have been organized.