Interesting events in the galleries GRUND
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On April 30, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of the GRAUND Gallery, together with the project "Cinema Moving" and with the participation of the Moscow Museum of Cinema, the exhibition "THREE MINUTES OF WAR" is opened.
In spaces of galleries newsreels of wartime will be shown, on which the war appears before the viewer different from what we are not used to seeing. The film tells how a man, torn from his usual peaceful life, coped with the hardships of wartime.
Frames will be played on authentic portable film installations.
The exhibition runs until May 17, 2015.
Tickets: 50 rub. / 20 rub. (preferential)
GRAUND HODYNKA (st. Irina Levchenko, 2, metro Oktyabrskoe Pole)
MAY 01 at 19.00
Prepared Wednesdays 2015: PRELUDIO: “Sound Barbecue” with Seppo Grundler (Austria)
The seventh international festival of experimental sound is already nearby.
The prelude will be performed by one of the most modest and conspiratorial masters of the European experimental scene - professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Graz (Austria) (department of Media, Sound and Interactive Design), professor of sound design at Crem University, member of the board of the Institute of Media Archeology (IMA) and one of the pioneers of electronic improvisation and diy-technician - Dr. Joseph (Seppo) Grundler (Seppo Grundler).
Free admission
MAY 12 at 19.30
Violin concert
I.S. Bach "Chaconne" for violin
N. Paganini, 7 and 21 caprices for violin
V.A. Mozart, Concerto No. 5 for violin, 1 part
Tickets: 50 rub. / 20 rub. (preferential)
MAY 15 at 18.00
The performance “Snow” according to the novel by K.G. Paustovsky. Together with GBU TTsSO "Schukino"
The story of K. Paustovsky “Snow” was written in 1943. The time of writing the story and its internal time coincide. The writer did not seek in his work to focus on the cruelties and hardships of war. He wanted to bring a little joy to the harsh, meager existence of people, to remind about loved ones, about his home.
Tickets: 50 rub. / 20 rub. (preferential)
MAY 16 at 17.00
Lecture by Konstantin Filonenko “Batman and schizophrenia. Psychiatric Utopia
The lecture will focus on transforming the image of madness through comics, about which philosophical and psychiatric ideas were borrowed to create the “gallery of madmen” on the pages of Batman comics. The construction of madness and the ways of working with it in modern philosophy and psychiatry - with illustrations from the most popular comic book.
Tickets: 50 rub. / 20 rub. (preferential)
MAY 16 at 20.00
Open air screening of the Soviet musical feature film “Heavenly Squad” (1945)
The film tells the story of three cheerful front-line friends-pilots who swore to the end of the war "not to fall in love even with the most beautiful girls." However, they meet and fall in love with two pilots of the female squadron and the journalist of the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda, and one by one violate this once-promised promise.
MAY 17 at 17.00
Concert "Songs of the war"
The Expendables Choir Together with the State Budgetary Institution of Education and Science
Free admission
GRUND PESCHANAYA (Peschanaya St. Novopeschanaya, 23/7, metro Sokol)
MAY 12 at 19.00
Concert “Music for double bass: classics, romance and modern composers”
Performers - students and graduate students of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky
Tickets: 200 rub. / 100 rub. (preferential)
MAY 13 at 19.30
Concert "On a Snowfire"
Concert of the Moscow Ensemble of Contemporary Music (IASM). Parts of the vocal cycle of E. Denisov’s “On a Snowfire” are held as the main thread-refrain in the program. The remaining works belong to the pen of famous Russian and foreign composers.
Ekaterina Kichigina (soprano) and IASM soloists: Ivan Bushuev (flute), Mikhail Dubov (piano), Ilya Rubinstein (cello)
Tickets: 500 rub. / 200 rub. (preferential)
MAY 15 at 19.00
"Paradoxes and mysteries of the Soviet cinema of the war years."
Lecture with demonstration of excerpts from the films of Ermler, Donskoy and Roma, screening of the film "One Night" (1945, dir. Boris Barnet).
The author and presenter of the lecture is Milena Musina.
Tickets: 300 rub. / 200 rub. (preferential)
MAY 16 at 18.00
The action of the Laboratory of the physical theater "Body memory"
As part of the Museum in Motion program
- Concert "Pictures from the Past"
- Concert "Journey of the Russian avant-garde"
- Festival closing Other space
- "Schukin. Biography of the collection." Summary
- Limited edition card series "Friends of Pushkinsky" to the exhibition "Schukin. Biography of the collection"
- Grandson of collector Sergei Schukin Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourco received Russian citizenship