Installation "Field"
Automatic translate
с 30 Сентября
по 5 НоябряСамолет Як-42 на Площади промышленности, АО “ВДНХ”
проспект Мира, 119
From September 30 to November 5, 2017 at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, in the space of the Yak-42 aircraft, the “Field” installation will be presented by the artist Ekaterina Choporova, the winner of the second season of the “RISE” contest. The curator of the "Contemporary Art" direction was an art critic, art critic and permanent director of the IPSI - Joseph Bakshtein.
According to the author of the project, the main object of the installation is the body of the aircraft, deprived of the ability to fly, immobilized, abandoned and overgrown with grass. The interior of the machine, freed from exhibition structures, allows open windows to let in natural light that gently illuminates impenetrable thickets of plants.
“A metal giant bird that fell in a stone jungle, sprouted with grass, as a symbol of devastation and life at the same time. What is before us - an allegory of vanity or a statement of life? The grass interacts with the metal body of the plane, which found the last refuge on earth, giving rise to the myth of a post-apocalyptic future in which there are no people and everything is left to nature. We make our way along the path through thickets that will never fade, in an airplane that never takes off. Everything that surrounds us in this space is a semblance of something… Grass is not grass, the mysterious light of abstract futuristic objects, like the light of deep-sea fish, either the outlandish vegetation of the tropics of the city, or the ephemeral entities invented by the artist. In an empty tin skeleton, we are enveloped in music and an imaginary rustle of dream grass, rustling underfoot, calming soft earth… ”- this is how the artist describes his project.
The installation meditatively immerses the audience in the utopian world of the artist, opens the veil, showing only a fragment. The situation projected at the exhibition, and in particular mysterious objects, is a metaphor for choosing: choosing exactly how the world will look in the future. As the author of the exhibition notes, “It’s known: we ourselves influence what will happen after us…”
Proteus Temen, painter, curator of the Design and Contemporary Art direction at the HSE School of Design, where Ekaterina studies: “… The works of Katya Choporova throughout her artistic career have always been elegant in form and have been completed rather in the tradition of new visual languages: digital abstraction, multi-material tumblr and attractive mass media communication. All these languages are united by one symbolic principle - the lack of space for human emotion, and therefore for the person himself.
In her work “Field”, Katya openly speaks out the disappearance of a person as a unit of the environment and replaces him with synthetic material, the last hope of resistance to outside pressure. The field of questions that arises between the poles of the natural and the highest is the location of the observer in this dystopian space… ”
DATES: September 30 - November 5, 2017
VENUE: VDNH, Industry Square, YAK-42
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