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с 17 Ноября
по 14 ДекабряColombina room
Осенний бульвар, дом 10, корп. 1
A hurricane wind, peals of thunder or a cloudless sky and a light sea breeze… It is unlikely that anyone would dream of looking in the phenomena of nature for an expression of its inner essence. Delight, fear, admiration, tenderness - these are the feelings that we experience when observing the elements or admiring the stunning scenery. Nature does not require analysis and philosophical debate from us; it is enough for us to have our silent presence.
The Artcultivator, Vagabond gallery and Colombina room showrooms for designer clothing present the INGA painting exhibition. “PHENOMENA. The exposition combines more than 40 paintings by the author, among which are impressionistic landscapes and great abstractions. Each of the presented works will be able to decorate the interior of a modern house and become a good gift to friends and relatives.
INGA. She graduated from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. Gerasimova. He works as a production designer in films, as well as in music and advertising projects. Member of the Ministry of Agriculture. Works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
- Exhibition of works by Alexander Yastrebenetsky. On the occasion of the 60th birthday
- Sylvesters - Territories
- Auguste Rodin’s stolen bust found
- In the "Sphere" theater, viewers will be shown a performance by which its history began
- Exhibition "Summer Palette"
- Exhibition "Spaces and Fillings" - "Spaces and Filling"