II International Festival of Bad Video Art
Automatic translate
с 24 Мая
по 3 ИюняГалерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39

The curators of the Bad Video Art Festival, Natalia Monakhova and Andrei Slashchilin, offer viewers to explore the extreme forms of one of the most popular trends in contemporary art. The videos that will be shown are, according to the curators, at the intersection of bad art (bad art), bad painting (bad painting, transavant-garde) and bad movie (B-movies, cult movie, camp and thrash), but still not Separated into a separate category for full study by art critics and cultural experts. And since questions about the boundaries of contemporary art and the quality of works of art are certainly relevant, designating the pole of video art, defined as “bad,” is a necessary step.
The concept of “bad video art” was first brought to the gallery level in the world in 2017 (Gallery A3, March 23 – April 2, 2017). The II International Festival of Bad Video Art will continue to develop the “bad” discourse. The 2018 program will not only reflect the trends of the previous program, but also new objects of research will appear, such as virtual reality and meditative practices. Video works of 84 participants from 38 countries of the world, including countries of Europe, Asia and South America will be shown.
The exhibition runs from May 24 to June 03, 2018.
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