Green party:
The right holiday will save the wrong summer!
Automatic translate
19 Августа
Всероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства
ул. Делегатская, 3
When: August 19, 2017, 13: 00-17: 00
"Matryoshka LIVE" against umbrellas, boredom and bad mood. We are for green summer gardens, outdoor activities and a healthy life! The All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art is calling at the Green party of the traditional summer picnic “Matryoshka LIVE”.
How to cheer yourself up with yoga laughter? Can I give my beloved a bouquet of carrots? Secrets of a healthy life according to Feng Shui philosophy - the Green party “Matryoshka LIVE” answers all questions: carving, laughing yoga, quest, master classes, interactive program.
The culmination of the holiday is the second performance in the museum’s history “Lacemaker’s Show”. Before your eyes, the best lace-makers of Russia will create to the sounds of classical music performed by the young talented pianist Elizaveta Danilina.
13: 00-16: 00 (free)
Interactive show, street games, refreshing drinks, aromatic coffee and just doing nothing outdoors.
13: 30-14: 30
Yoga of laughter (free)
How to quickly and permanently cheer yourself up? Yoga of laughter is a technique of stimulating laughter, breathing and light physical exercises that generate natural laughter, enhancing the effect in a group process. It does not require physical training. We all laugh! The lesson is Svetlana Onishchenko
13: 00-15: 00 (free)
Quest "Ostermania" - unraveling the secrets of old Moscow
13: 00-15: 00 (free)
Master classes: Carving from the Firebird company (Elena Maslova will be with you)
15: 00-16: 30 (for entrance fees to the museum)
Lesson "Feng Shui Art: the basic principles of the organization of space." Narrated by Catherine Kostina, Center for Imperial Feng Shui
14: 00-15: 00 (for entrance fees to the museum)
Museum Sightseeing Tour
12: 00-20.00 (for entrance tickets to the museum)
Museum exhibitions:
- Spring in october
- New olds. Classic and design innovation
- Quiet my homeland
- Bear Tales
- Smoke of Change (Fashion and Design Center) - Free
- NINE: exhibition of novice designers (Center for Fashion and Design) - free
You will also receive discounts on book products at the museum store. Do not miss your chance to purchase catalogs of exhibitions and other books of the Museum at discount prices!
16: 00-17: 00 (for entrance fees to the museum)
Miracles and secrets of modern German design: tour of the exhibition “New olds. Classics and innovations in design ”
15: 00-17: 00 (for entrance fees to the museum)
Performance: "Lacemaker’s Show" and a concert of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky - Elizabeth Danilina (piano).
- “Happy Days” by Samuel Beckett
- Beetroot rose, or culinary carving
- Искусство династии Хань