Gotland, a point on the movie map. Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky
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18 Декабря
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
December 18, at 18:00, the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography invites film critic Dmitry Salynsky, "Gotland, a point on the movie map." Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky, which will be held as part of the educational program for Victoria Ivleva’s exhibition “Following the Trail of Sacrifice”. Dedication to Andrei Tarkovsky. "
“A film, if it is not a document, is a dream, a dream. Therefore, Tarkovsky is the greatest of all. For him, dreams are self-evident, he does not explain anything, and what, by the way, should he explain to him? He is a clairvoyant who has managed to translate his visions into the most laborious and at the same time the most pliable genre of art. All my life I knocked on the door leading to the space where he moves with such self-evident naturalness. Only once or twice did I manage to slip in there… ”- Ingmar Bergman wrote about Andrei Tarkovsky in his book“ Laterna Magika ”.
In the list of favorite films directed by Tarkovsky - Bergman, Bergman, in turn, has Tarkovsky. Two great contemporaries have never met in time, but their paths intersect in space. On the remote Swedish island of Gotland, where Ingmar Bergman lived, worked and died, in 1986 Andrei Tarkovsky made his last film, Sacrifice. The operator of the picture is Sven Nyquist, who has previously worked with Bergman repeatedly.
In an interview with Session magazine, Alexander Sokurov says so about the “non-meeting” of two directors: “… The plot was that if they met, they would look in the mirror. Only Tarkovsky would see one thing in this mirror, and Bergman - another… They could, having met, walk and be silent - everything they needed to know about each other, they knew without words. ” At a lecture at the Center for Photography, we will talk about mutual influence, intersections in the work of Tarkovsky and Bergman.
About the lecturer:
Dmitry Salynsky - art critic, film director, journalist. He worked as the leading and editor-in-chief of the magazines “Cinema Notes”, “Video-ACC Premiere”, and the newspaper “SK News”. Candidate of art history, senior researcher at the Research Institute of Motion Picture Arts, head of the cinema workshop of VGIK. Member of the Union of Cinematographers and the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation. He is the author of the book “Cinemahermeneutics of Tarkovsky” and “Andrei Tarkovsky’s film“ Solaris ”. Materials and documents ”, articles and reports on the work of Tarkovsky. Winner of awards of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics of Russia (2001, 2009, 2012). Salynsky’s works have been translated into Romanian, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese, and German.
Ticket price: full - 430 rubles, preferential - 200 rubles (purchased at the box office of the Center for Photography), World War II veterans - for free.
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