"Gorokhovets is a living legend." Exhibition of works by V.S. Bubela Maslova
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с 20 Июня
по 1 ИюляРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21), an exhibition of works by academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Veronika Sergeevna Bubela-Maslova will be held.
The presented mobile exhibition project “Gorokhovets - a revived legend” is being held as part of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the city of Gorokhovets with the support of the administration of the Gorokhovets district. In 2017, the project was successfully shown at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, in 2018 at the Chilean Embassy in Moscow and at the Schelkovo Art Gallery (Schelkovo, Moscow Region).
The exposition includes paintings, as well as 100 sheets of copyrighted photographs.
Gorokhovets is a unique, truly Russian city, where its great history is felt and its indescribable atmosphere is preserved. In the presented photographs, viewers will be able to see memorable panoramas of Gorokhovets, which is considered to be a real “open-air museum”. In his paintings, Bubela-Maslova conveys the beauty of Russian land and tries to capture that idyll, which from time immemorial has been the hallmark of the city.
V.S.Bubela-Maslova was born in Vladivostok on June 19, 1980. In 2000 she graduated from the Vladivostok Art School, and in 2006 - the Far Eastern Academy of Arts under the guidance of Honored Artist of Russia Professor Goncharenko Veniamin Alekseevich.
The artist annually participates in international projects, city, regional and national exhibitions, and also conducts active exhibition and teaching activities. The artist’s works are in the collections of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in the collections of the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in the “State Memorial Museum of Defense and Siege of Leningrad” in St. Petersburg, as well as in state and private art galleries in Russia, France, Germany, USA, Korea, China, Japan.
Along with artistic and creative activities, Bubela-Maslova is also actively involved in political and social activities, being an assistant to a member of the Federation Council Z. F. Dragunkina, chief cultural assistant to the head of the administration of the Gorokhovets district, a deputy to the Council of People’s Deputies of the Fominskoye fifth convocation.
The exhibition runs from June 20 to July 1, 2018.
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