"Ice Age Giants"
Automatic translate
с 27 Декабря
по 16 Февраля
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

On December 27, the exhibition of MOVING PRE-HISTORICAL ANIMALS “Giants of the Ice Age” will begin its work in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St., second floor).
It took our planet about 4.5 billion years to become what it appears to us. Which way did she go, how did life develop on her? We find evidence of the history of the Earth at every step, and ice age animals are an essential part of this story.
Currently, “Giants of the Ice Age” is one of the most expensive and large-scale popular science exhibitions in Russia.
In modern science of extinct animal species, scientists successfully collaborate with artists and sculptors. The consequence of this cooperation was the creation of the exhibition “Giants of the Ice Age”, which restores the appearance of these extinct and unknown animals for a long time. This is all the more interesting, since many "glacial" animals have become the progenitors of modern species.
“… This exhibition can be called popular science in the most accurate and highest sense of these words. Spectators seem to be transported millions of years ago, having a unique opportunity to see the unusual, vibrant fauna “lost” and “regained” that once inhabited our planet… ”(doctor of paleontology, professor K. A. Proskurin.)
Here, as if alive, they move, making terrifying sounds, a mammoth, a ferocious saber-toothed smilodon cat, a landless sloth megatherium, a flightless bird-diatrim, a beast-eater dicynodont, a waterfowl plesiosaurus, a rhinoceros embryoterium, a pig-like rhinoceros anthropod… specifically, tangibly, convincingly… Spectators have a unique opportunity to travel back to millions and tens of thousands of years ago and to see firsthand the “incredible past” of the Earth.
This bright, growling, dissecting air paws and claws exhibition is not only entertaining in nature. It is designed to shape both the attitude and the attitude of modern man. After all, the more we learn about prehistoric animals, about their era, the more we learn about the world in which we live today.
The exhibition will be interesting as a visual aid illustrating school books on zoology and geography.
At the exhibition you can listen to an excursion, take pictures, watch a fascinating popular science film about the life of prehistoric animals. There is a game library for little visitors: a bas-relief table, puzzles, a mosaic table.
The exhibition runs until February 16, 2020.
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