"Heroes of the VanguardStroy. Architect Ignatius Milinis"
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с 14 Февраля
по 5 МаяГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
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"Heroes of the VanguardStroy. Architect Ignatius Milinis ”will be the first monographic exhibition dedicated to the work of one of the most significant Russian avant-garde architects I.F. Milinisa (1899-1974).

Ignatius Frantsevich Milinis is a consistent adherent of constructivism. His creative positions were formed during his studies at an architectural school in Kiev, where he designed the Builders Club in 1926, and the Museum of the Revolution in 1927. In the same year, according to a project carried out by him together with I. I. Malozemov and Y. A. Steinberg, the club of the Union of Builders in Kharkov was built - one of the first avant-garde structures. In 1928, a young architect, already having experience in practical construction, moved to Moscow and continued his studies in the workshop of Alexander Vesnin in VKhUTEIN. Milinis became close to the ideologist of the Association of Modern Architects (OSA) Moses Ginzburg, becoming his co-author and like-minded person. Together they designed and built the Narkomfin commune house in Moscow (1928 – 1929) and the Government House in Alma-Ata (1927 – 1928).
Ignatius Frantsevich found approaches to creating the first regional plans of the USSR. The design of residential buildings and complexes has gradually become the main focus in the work of the architect. In the 1930s, he built ZIL residential buildings on Ugreshskaya and Velozavodskaya streets in a post-constructivist style.
The exhibition will acquaint visitors with photographs, documents and drawings of the architect. The museum also plans to prepare a publication of a book from the series “Collections of the Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Schuseva. "
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