Gennady Agafonov – Fragmentary information
Automatic translate
с 4 по 25 Ноября
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
The series of works included in the exhibition represents a kind of diary of an urban man / who the author, in fact, is /, looking for the lyrics of his own existence in the extremely prosaic circumstances offered by life. The works were made with a certain hope for the effect of recognition and sympathy on the part of the same ordinary people who enter into the same simple and familiar interactions with the world around them as the author. Recognition is always a joy, so why don’t we rejoice together in our difficult times.

The presented graphics are on the verge of easel and comics. The compositions are realized on scraps of cardboard, sometimes with scraps of seemingly random phrases, also inscribed in the space of the sheet. The theme that unites the works is light irony and self-irony, a frivolous and slightly detached look at what is happening. Food for the compositions is personal memories, fragments of dreams, memorable situations and fleeting scenes seen from the outside.
The author assures that all events and characters recorded in the works are fictitious. But at the same time I am sure that any similarity with real events is not accidental.
Gennady Agafonov was born in 1978 in Leningrad. Graduated from BSTU "Voenmekh" named after. D. F. Ustinova.
Since childhood, he was fond of painting and graphics, actively practicing and improving his artistic skills until he was 20 years old. After a long break, in 2013, he returned to creativity.

In 2014 – 2018, he continues to study painting and graphics at a private art school, and attends classes at various studios in St. Petersburg. Works in different techniques: pencil and pastel drawing, tempera and oil painting. In 2020, he introduces work with paper and cardboard into his creative arsenal, as the most accessible and basic materials for any artist. Begins to work in collage and assemblage techniques, creating an extensive (more than 50 works) series of expressive works devoted to the analysis of human interaction with open and closed spaces.
Since 2019, the works of Gennady Agafonov have been presented in the Attic of Artists gallery.
2019 – group exhibition “Day One” at the Central City Public Library. V.V. Mayakovsky.
2020 – participation in the St. Petersburg International Fine Arts Fair “Come in Large Numbers” at Expoforum.
2021 – personal exhibition “Inside/Outside” at the Borey Gallery.
- Exhibition by Alexander Korepanov "Tomorrow will be a new day"
- Exhibition of Alexander Korepanov "Ural character"
- Reality and fantasies in the "Labyrinth of Dreams" by Stanislav Dymov
- Belgorod residents saw China through the eyes of Voronezh artist Vladimir Goncharov
- Gennady Agafonov. INSIDE OUTSIDE. Compositions from cardboard and paper