Photo exhibition "Between Heaven and Above"
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с 11 по 30 Апреля
Саратовское художественное училище им. А.П.Боголюбова
ул. Университетская, 59

April 11 at 16.00 in the Saratov Art College named after A.P. Bogolyubova (59 Universitetskaya St.) the grand opening of the photo exhibition “Between Heaven and Above”, organized by the results of the experimental Creative Workshop of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Saratov regional branch of TSHR, will take place.
Dates of exposure: April 11 - 30, 2019.
The head of the PORAH and TSHR creative workshops is Konstantin Khudyakov, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts, chairman of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, president of the Creative Union of Russian Artists.
The curator of the PORAH and TSHR Creative Workshops is Svetlana Kuznetsova, first deputy chairman of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, vice president of the TSHR in the Volga region.
The curator of the project, the author of the idea is Mikhail Gavryushov, artist, designer, photographer, laureate of the Russian Academy of Arts Prize named after K.S. Petrova-Vodkin.
Participants - Mikhail Gavryushov, Alexander Drozdin, Alexander Moskvitin, Sergey Karmeev, Artem Korenuk, Ruslan Nadaliyev, Vadim Fedotov, members of the Saratov branch of the TSHR, scholarship holders of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation,
Organizers: Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, Saratov regional branch of the TSHR with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the assistance of the A.P. Bogolyubov Artists’ Union.
The exhibition and publishing project “Between Heaven and Above” was proposed as a reflection on the theme “External and Internal Senses” from the book “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures” by Jan Amos Comenius, enlightener of the 17th century.
“Memory… saves individual knowledge and reveals it again, and some loses, and this loss is oblivion. Sleep is the peace of feelings, ”is written in Comenius’s book, The World of Sensual Things in Pictures. However, since the 17th century, it has become clear that wakefulness, active consciousness and memory are not the opposite of sleep, they have a very close interweaving, dependence on each other. It is clear that interest in colorful, multifaceted dreaming fantasies has always attracted artists. In art, the topic is certainly popular, in this regard, repetitions, allusions, dialogue with the classics, with a shift in semantic accents and inversion of meanings are almost inevitable.
This, of course, is not an obstacle to artistic expression. Attitudes towards those very feelings change in different eras, are very personal and individual. Real physical feelings can be mixed with fantasies and dreams. Modern man was changed not only by Dr. Freud, but also by digital reality, which made us perceive the world differently, distorted feelings, sharpening some and weakening others, and invaded the dream space. We interpret our real memories and feelings, feel fantasies and dreams as something real.
The project participants were invited to analyze their feelings, vivid sensations, question their truth and significance, check the boundaries of the surrounding reality, which may turn out to be virtual.
Seven photographers: Gavryushov Mikhail, Drozdin Alexander, Moskvitin Alexander, Karmeev Sergey, Korenyuk Artem, Nurgaliev Ruslan, Fedotov Vadim presented their reading of the topic using their technical and technological methods. Each author has his own face, his own creative style. All are recognizable and at the same time original in solving the set creative task. The exhibition will feature 24 works.
In the format of work on the project, an album-catalog “Between Heaven and Above” (ISBN 978-5-00140-217-6) was prepared and published. The author of the idea, compiler, designer and curator of the project is Mikhail Gavryushov.
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