Photo exhibition of Gennady Ivanov "Favorites"
Automatic translate
с 22 Февраля
по 19 МартаИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
February 22 at the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev will open an exhibition of works by Gennady Ivanov, a photographer, laureate of the prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region in the nomination "The Art of Photography". The exposition will feature about 120 photographs taken in different years. In the frame - Baikal, Irkutsk, both outgoing and modern, city dwellers, significant events. Gennady Ivanov loves to shoot the regional center in different weather conditions - during snowfall, rain, severe frosts. Moreover, each photo not only captures the moment of reality, but also conveys the mood. “Gennady Ivanov is a master of photography, this is what the art of photography was called before. In his photographs sheer beauty, a fascinating history, hidden philosophy, ”say the museum’s researchers. The exhibition will be located in the main building of the museum on the street. Lenin, 5. The opening will take place on February 22 at 16.00, admission is free. It will be possible to see the “Favorites” photo exhibition until March 19, 2017. Inquiries by phone: 34-01-46
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