Photo exhibition "Antarctica"
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с 21 Февраля
по 22 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, second floor) will host the photo exhibition Antarctica. To the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica.
All photographs presented at the exhibition were taken by participants in Antarctic expeditions: Mikhail Ivanovich Grachev, Vadim Vladimirovich Puchkov, Vladimir Borisovich Bryukhov. The scenes of the images were the views of Antarctica, its wildlife, work, transport, and everyday scenes. The photographs were taken from the personal archive of Mikhail Ivanovich Grachev, a participant in a number of Antarctic expeditions in 2003 - 2020.
Antarctica was discovered in 1820 when a polar expedition consisting of two three-masted sloops - “Vostok” and “Mirny” - circumnavigated the southern mainland, for the first time approaching its icy shores. The first sloop was commanded by Captain II rank Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen, the second - Lieutenant Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. The Antarctic expedition did not pursue either commercial or military goals, it was tasked to go as far as possible to the south in order to finally resolve the question of the existence of the Southern continent.
On January 28, 1820, Russian sailors approached Antarctica at 69 degrees 21 minutes south latitude and two degrees 14 minutes west longitude, in the area of the ice shelf, which now bears the name Bellingshausen. During the campaign, "East" and "Peace" approached Antarctica in its different parts nine times. In 1821, sailors discovered the first island beyond the Arctic Circle - the island of Peter I, then - the coast of Alexander I. However, it was not possible to land on the ground due to ice hummocks and difficult weather conditions. A total of twenty-nine previously unknown islands were mapped. With the discovery of Antarctica, the era of great geographical discoveries ended.
Antarctica is the highest continent of the Earth, its average height above sea level is more than two thousand meters, and in the center of the continent reaches four thousand meters. The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on our planet, with ninety percent of all the land ice concentrated in it. Antarctica is the only continent devoid of the necessary attributes of civilization: agriculture, transport infrastructure, large settlements. Antarctica attracts with its special, severe beauty. The only representatives of the flora here are lichens, mosses and algae. Seals and birds live on the coast, including skuas, Adelie penguins, and emperor penguins. On the mainland is the Weddell Sea, the most transparent in the world, whose waters allow you to see objects at a depth of 80 meters.
Mikhail Ivanovich Grachev was born in 1948 in the city of Gryazovets, Vologda Oblast. He graduated from the Obninsk branch of MEPhI. He worked at the Typhoon Research Institute of Experimental Meteorology, was engaged in environmental research, and participated in numerous scientific expeditions: in the Urals, Ukraine, and the Baikal-Amur Railway. In 1979 - 1980, several times during the expedition, he examined the area of the Tunguska meteorite explosion. Has 1 category in mountaineering and climbing. In Antarctica, he worked at two stations: at Mirny and Novolazarevskaya stations, as a seismologist and spectrometer. Currently it is part of the 65th Russian Antarctic expedition.
The exhibition runs until March 22.