Photo for memory - Sergey Denisov photo exhibition
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July 4, 2014 in the Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery, a branch of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, will open the personal exhibition of photographer Sergei Petrovich Denisov “Photography for memory”.
The viewer is invited to get acquainted with the magnificent pictures of Kaluga, Izborsk, Pechora, Lake Seliger, Ryazan and many other protected areas of our country, striking with their pristine beauty.
Sergei Petrovich Denisov was born on October 20, 1941 in the city of Bogorodsk, Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod). Being a diversified person, Sergey Petrovich tried himself in various professional fields: he worked as a locksmith, castor and patiner in a sculpture factory, as a mock-up in RosGiproNIISelstroy. But the passion for photography accompanies the photographer throughout his life’s journey. At the age of 17, Sergei Petrovich became a freelance photojournalist for the newspaper Young Leninets, where he worked for five years. From 1978 to 1984, he worked at the correspondent office of Our Land magazine of the Leningrad Documentary Film Studio (LSDF). He worked as a photographer in KNIITMU OJSC, in the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, in the Kaluga Regional Museum of Local Lore, as a photojournalist in the newspaper Vest. At present, Sergey Petrovich is a full-time photographer of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
From a young age, Sergey Petrovich became a regular participant in various photography contests. His work took a worthy place at the International Competition in the city of Reus (Spain), photo contests held in different cities of the former USSR. In the early 1960s, in Moscow, in the Writer’s House, a personal photo exhibition of Sergei Petrovich was held. Later - in Leningrad, at the LSDF studio. In subsequent years, his exhibition "Photographs" traveled to many cities in Russia: Perm, Severodvinsk, Chisinau, Vladivostok. In 1975, the amateur photographer became an honorary member of the Lviv Photo Club.
Sergey Petrovich is the author of numerous thematic exhibition projects: the Old Tallinn photo exhibition shown in Kaluga and Moscow at the Central House of Architects, the Kaluga Antiquity and Kaluga Tsiolkovsky thematic projects, the Obelisk photo exhibition, which reveals the theme of World War II. In collaboration with Sergei Petrovich and the Tula Book Publishing House, the album "Pushkin in the Linen Factory" was released.
In 1987, Sergey Petrovich became a Member of the Union of Photo Artists of Russia.
The exhibition of the photographer Sergey Petrovich Denisov “Photography for memory” will last until August 31, 2014.
Schedule of the Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery: Tue.-Sat. 10: 00-18: 00, Ex. Sun / Mon
Address: Kaluga region, s. Ulyanovo, st. Lapshova, 8.
Contact phone: 8 (48443) 2-11-73