Anna Pavlova photo exhibition "Family portrait"
Automatic translate
с 12 Декабря
по 1 ФевраляБиблиотека имени Н.В. Гоголя
ул. Большая Грузинская, д. 39

December 12 at the Library No. 9 named after N.V. Gogol on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street opens the exhibition of professional photographer Anna Pavlova “Family Portrait”.
It’s not the first year that Anna has been filming large families when different generations, from grandchildren to great-grandmothers, children and parents, siblings and cousins of different ages gather for a family portrait in one shot. It is not easy to gather the whole family and organize such a shoot, but it is always a great and joyful event for all participants and, of course, a wonderful memory.
Each family has its own small traditions that support the connection of generations. For example, a family portrait. For a long time it has been and remains an important and necessary tradition in the life of every family.
Family photography, as a small personal time machine, will help to return to the past for a short time and show how you were that day, how young your parents were and how ridiculously your nose wrinkled your kid, who is already probably finishing school and will soon start his own family.
Anna Pavlova has been renting families in different cities for more than 10 years. At an exhibition in the Library. N.V. Gogol presents footage from various family shootings made in Moscow and Bulgaria, and this is only a small part of hundreds of family photo shoots, each of which is dear to the author.
Anna Pavlova - finalist of the annual contest "Best Photos of Russia", winner of the BICFP Prize for Children and Family Photography: 1st place in the nomination "Art", nominee for the national award "Photographer of the Year", member of the Association of Children and Family Photographers of Russia and Abroad DISFO, participant of the Festival " Objectively about children ”, the organizer and participant of Russian and international exhibitions on family photography, the author of master classes and individual lessons on photography.
The exhibition of Anna Pavlova "Family Portrait" will last until February 1. The entrance is free. The library is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 22.00, Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00, Monday is a day off. Our address: 39 Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, entrance from the Georgian Lane. The nearest metro is Belorusskaya.
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