Nature photo - dissolution in space
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Nature is always diverse in its manifestation of endless fields and copses, ravines and forests, rivers and lakes. A man, merged with nature, begins to see its beauty in everything in great detail.
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Photographing nature - flowers, plants, animals, trees and shrubs, a great lesson to relieve stress, solitude and merge with the living world of the Creator - nature.
Nature is always diverse in its manifestation of endless fields and copses, ravines and forests, rivers and lakes. A man, merged with nature, begins to see its beauty in everything in great detail. The camera in this situation is a faithful companion, both a beginner and a professional photographer. The main thing is to dissolve in space and begin to see beauty.
A photo of a simple flower can turn into a masterpiece only because at that moment light harmoniously fell on it, emphasizing its beauty and individuality, and you saw it. Suddenly, a butterfly or a bee or a bumblebee accidentally sat on this flower and you can get a new unforgettable shot.
Being in the field among ears of wheat you can see blue flowers - these are cornflowers, they beckon with their originality against the background of mature grains of ears. A snapshot, another snapshot and now this beauty is captured in your camera.
Fall trees and shrubs begin to attract with their colors. Somewhere a mountain ash or elm began to blaze, somewhere ripe nuts that hang in bunches in front of your face, and somewhere under a birch a white mushroom has hidden.
Enough to act in film, the photographer goes home. After uploading the pictures to the computer, they are being carefully selected. Sometimes it happens that 100 good photos come across 100 photos, and sometimes more. Having selected the photo, all the domestic ones sit down for viewing them. photos of nature have a beneficial effect on their mood and well-being, and after viewing a lot of positive emotions from others goes to a young, and maybe already a professional photographer.
The world of nature is unlimited, the main thing is to see the beauty in it and have time to make beautiful pictures filled with energy, about the same as on the site nature photo
Technique, i.e. the camera you are shooting is of course important and the better it is, the better the quality of the pictures, but still the determining factor is the photographer himself, who at first glance saw the beauty in simple moments and conveyed it to others in his photographs.
Sergey Bekhterev ©
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