Festival "The Last Dream of Winter" Automatic translate
8 Марта
Музей Москвы
Зубовский бульвар, 2
At the festival, which will be held on March 8 at the Museum of Moscow, you can go on a trip through the Maslenitsa maze, visit the architectural workshop, try a variety of pancake options at the food court and warm yourself with tea from the samovar.
In one of the museum buildings, the branches of the Museum of Moscow will hold a lecture where they will tell about interesting Pancake week traditions, and the Love Bazar design market will also work.
For the whole family.
A real family holiday was prepared by the Children’s Center. In the courtyard of the museum will be held the Festival of Pancake week architecture . At the archestation of the Mesto project, young guests will make a maze of hay and create a game art object from willow twigs dedicated to Shrovetide. In the workshop, children will be able to make themselves some good-looking masks and comic wigs, as well as listen to a concert - the most famous children’s folklore ensemble “Kladets” will share secret traditions and spring songs. And, of course, no holiday can do without games, dances and round dance!
In honor of the holiday at the Children’s Center, children and their parents will be shown the performance "Shrovetide" from the folk theater "Scientist Bear" based on Russian popular prints and texts to live music. The guys will have the opportunity to play their own performance, learn a lot of interesting things about Shrovetide games, mold the Shrovetide from plasticine and draw it.
Fair Love Bazar.
More than 100 projects will present their products for the whole family at the Love Bazar design market. Visitors of different ages will be able to find a variety of designer items here: clothes, jewelry, accessories, interior and decor items, as well as children’s clothes, toys and books.
In the flower shop, it will be possible not only to purchase the bouquet you like, but also to participate in flower master classes and workshops.
A varied entertainment program is planned on the stage of the festival: a science show, soap bubbles show, children’s theater performances and much more. All visitors will be able to try their hand at painting wooden figures, creating dolls and amulets in the Russian folk style, as well as take part in craft workshops.
Traditionally, guests will receive master classes from the Charity Fund “Club of Dobryakov” - all the proceeds for them will be transferred to the current fundraising for the rehabilitation and operations of seriously ill children. Everyone will also be able to bring small gifts that will go to the Boxes of Courage from the foundation at the RCCH.
In honor of International Women’s Day, a special beauty corner will be organized at the festival, where masters will suggest making festive styling and makeup, the stylist will help you choose a new look in one of the many design shops presented on the design market, and you will also find out a lot of useful information about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
A photo zone with decorations will work on the market. The organizers will present gifts to the authors of the best photos from the festival.
Lecture Hall from the Branches of the Museum of Moscow.
The historians of the branches of the Museum of Moscow will tell about Pancake Week traditions in Russia and abroad:
15:30 - a lecture on the game culture of pre-Petrine Moscow “Games on the brink of spring”, which will be conducted by the head of the Old English Court Museum Alexander Sotin
16:15 - lecture "Old Russian Musical Instruments" from Alexander Afanasyev, head of the department of scientific and educational work of the Museum of Archeology. Listeners will learn what musical instruments were made of and hear how they sounded;
17:10 - lecture "Shrovetide in the German style." Dmitry Beziev, head of the research and educational sector of the Lefortovo History Museum, will talk about Pancake week traditions in Russia, Pancake week carnivals in Europe and the customs of winter farewell in Russia and Germany;
18:00 - Sergey Shpakovsky, a book columnist, a lover of Moscow walks and city stories, co-author of the series “Walking with Gilyarovsky” at the Gilyarovsky Center will give a lecture “Shrovetide in books and stories”.
Admission to all events is free.
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