Fedor Chaliapin. Pages of my life. 6+
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12 Марта
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
Solo performance by Anna Yakovleva on the 145th anniversary of the great artist.
Fedor Chaliapin is a man whose gift turned the whole history of the opera house upside down. The name of the artist is still shrouded in secrets and rumors. And today, the press, with no less pleasure than a hundred years ago, calculates Chaliapin’s fees, discusses his women, relishes the details of scandals.
It miraculously combined the incompatible properties of the soul. There were jokes about the singer’s greed, and at the same time he easily, inspired, gave a huge amount to a friend in need. Chaliapin could rudely yell at the director and in just a couple of hours passionately defend him before the officials. He boasted loudly of his own position and never advertised his truly good deeds. Women, once in the company of an artist, were transformed, transformed from shy and proud to ardent nymphs. The powerful people of the world, aristocrats and revolutionaries, understanding the whole depth of Chaliapin’s talent, forgave him for their unceremoniousness and insolence.
What was this legendary man really like? Petersburg Concert offers you a one-man show based on the book by F. I. Chaliapin “Pages of my life”, written in collaboration with M. Gorky. The production reveals the artist’s life as he himself saw it. His thoughts on family, art, era and homeland - these are the true pages of the life of a great man who just wanted to be happy.
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes.
Director - Larisa Poghosyan.
Anna Yakovleva.
Excursion to the Kochneva House at 18 hours.
Beginning at 19 hours.