Fashion Factory: In the language of photography. Lecture by Dmitry Gienko, art director of GQ magazine Automatic translate
12 Апреля
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
April 12, at 19:00, the Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography, together with Fashion Factory School of Business Education, invites Dmitry Gienko, art director of the GQ magazine, “In the language of photography,” as part of the educational program for the exhibition “Beauty Canons of Giovani Gastela”. For over forty years, Giovanni Gastel has been creating his own world of fashion and photography. During this time, his photographs appeared on the covers and pages of major fashion magazines.
More about the lecture:
At the lecture we will talk about photography in fashion magazines and the main modern trends in fashion shooting. The lecturer will address the following issues:
- What do we want to convey in the language of photography?
- Types of photography: the boundaries between reality and art
- Photography and Commerce
- Social Media Photography
- What awaits the photo in the future?
About the lecturer: Dmitry Gienko has been working in glossy magazines for 15 years. During this time he was the art director of such publications as Marie Claire, Interior Digest, InStyle, GQ. In addition, he is a photographer, shoots a portfolio for actors, makes photo shoots with the participation of stars for magazines. As a director, he shoots music videos and author’s films.
How to take part?
- You must register for the event:
- Admission is by admission to the Photography Center.
Ticket price: full - 430 rubles, preferential - 200 rubles (purchased at the box office of the Center for Photography), World War II veterans - for free
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