Porcelain dishes as an element of decor
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Porcelain dishes are a real symbol of comfort, coziness and luxury. Many hundreds of years ago, it was worth its weight in gold, and was an excellent gift showing all the reverence of the donor. And now, porcelain products are a real jewel, which is not ashamed to present as a gift to the most dear and necessary person at the most solemn moment of his life.
Why is china so valuable? Let us briefly look into the history of china.
Until the Middle Ages, porcelain was not common in Europe. It was made in China, its export was banned, and death was threatened with the disclosure of the secrets of its manufacture.
In the 16th century, many porcelain products were secretly exported from China to the territory of modern Germany. However, the manufacturing secret could not be solved until the 18th century, when alchemists reproduced the formula and technology for creating porcelain. At that time, the Meissen company, which still exists today, was founded (however, in the 18th century the term “company” did not exist, and Meissen was the name of the master who produced porcelain at that time).
Since then, porcelain production technology has spread quite widely, but porcelain dishes are still a real work of art, over which time and fashion are not dominant. Plates and other porcelain dishes, on the one hand, symbolize coziness and comfort, and on the other hand - a sign of wealth and luxury. Buy china it is only to enjoy the food to the full, having received pleasure not only from the taste of the food, but also from aesthetically beautiful plates and bowls.
That is why more and more people who value their comfort and seek to enjoy life are choosing porcelain dishes that are stylish and beautiful, of high quality and expensive.
Since porcelain dishes not only carry a utilitarian sense, but are also designed for aesthetic pleasure, those who want to bring coziness and comfort to their home choose products in the classical style - which has been transmitted through centuries and generations and which evokes thoughts about royal dishes. However, fans of the modern style will also be able to find the perfect dishes from famous manufacturers, with which notes of style and luxury will appear in the interior.
If you evaluate the demand and range in china online store , we can say that most often customers who value comfort and luxury choose white-blue and white-gold services that look the same as those created hundreds of years ago. However, fans of the modern style are more likely to pay attention to asymmetric and ethnic dishes.
Modern technologies have made porcelain dishes not only beautiful, but also reliable and useful. Thus, many manufacturers offer products that can calmly “survive” the effects of high temperatures, which means that such dishes can be used with a microwave and washed in a dishwasher without fear of breaking or damage.
However, connoisseurs of the classical style will appreciate not the modern, but the more classic models, subtle, elegant and elegant, translucent and decorated with precious metals.
Like centuries ago, many porcelain manufacturers keep the secret of their production in the strictest confidence. The most luxurious models of dishes are made in a single copy according to secret technology and recipes, and even casting molds are used only once, after which they are broken, so that such dishes are truly unique and luxurious.
So, if you want to fill your home with an atmosphere of comfort and luxury, and every day enjoy food and aesthetic pleasure from looking at real works of art, then porcelain dishes are the perfect choice.
Anna Sidorova © Gallerix.ru
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