Evgeny Karpov. BACKSTAGE. VOL. 20
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с 10 по 21 Марта
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Small Drama Theater.
Eugene Karpov has been an actor of the Small Drama Theater since its foundation, and most of his works are devoted, of course, to colleagues who have become relatives, close people. Eugene is seriously interested in photography for more than 20 years, most of his works are filmed. Watching life, people in their various manifestations is part of the acting profession, Karpov conducts his observations through a photo lens, and a camera serves him as a notebook. In his photographs, he often captures the backstage, where fellow actors appear in some kind of borderline state. Eugene’s gaze is attentive to details, he admires his partners, skillfully emphasizing their beauty and spirituality, despite the fatigue and domestic turmoil, which in the life of BAT has always been abundant. In the photographs of Karpov there are moments of rehearsals and holidays, backstage of performances and tours, faces of colleagues in a variety of spaces and situations.
A small drama theater - a theater of heightened feelings, a theater of collisions and contrasts. Yevgeny Karpov’s photographs somewhat repeat the style of the theater, they have a combination, and sometimes a clash, of different layers: a person, an artist and a stage image. In Karpov’s photographic works, contrary to the hyperemotionality of BAT performances, one can feel slow and peaceful, look deep into oneself, momentary thoughtfulness, inhale-exhale before entering the stage.
In 2019, the Small Drama Theater, founded by Leo Ehrenburg and his students, turned 20 years old. Tovstonogov’s student, L. B. Erenburg, founded his own theater in 1999, graduated from five courses (acting and directing), collaborated with Russian and European theaters, won many theater awards, and today is one of the most prominent Russian theater figures with own unique handwriting. The theater of Ehrenburg is recognized by critics as a separate direction, it has its own school and its own public. BAT is surprising, shocking, attractive and even addictive. Ehrenburg Theater - a phrase meaning style, method, phenomenon. NDT does not have its own building; today it is located at 6 KIM Ave.
- In the silence of the nature of the Russian province
- Exhibitions of the photographer Alexandra Demenkova "Russian Love"
- Anniversary without fanfare. Vasily Grossman - a man who managed to tell the truth
- The main prize of the "Chance" festival was received by students from St. Petersburg
- The evolution of photo optics in 130 years