“It’s just parsley” - an exhibition of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya Automatic translate
с 24 Мая
по 17 ИюняЦентр Гиляровского
Столешников переулок, д.9, стр. 5
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya writes prose, plays, fairy tales, poems, scripts, music, paintings, draws cartoons and illustrations, translates, sings, plays in the theater, masters, does charity work… Her creative thought lives in the organic unity of text, image, sound and artistic behavior. The exhibition “This is simply parsley”, which opens at the Gilyarovsky Center branch of the Museum of Moscow on the eve of its 80th anniversary, will show the most diverse aspects of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s creative life. You can see the exhibition from May 24 to June 17, 2018.
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya herself explains the name of the exhibition as follows: “Our family picked up the expression“ It’s just parsing ”from her child, three-year-old Natasha. She wanted to say “It’s just awesome,” but she didn’t utter it. And we decided to call this strange exhibition, in which no realism is planned. ”
The dramaturgy of the exposition carries a game beginning and is built as a kind of theater-route. The viewer traveling through it finds itself in the space of stage action and turns into a character himself. The exhibition will feature Petrushevskaya’s original drawings for the famous "The Pussies," linguistic tales in a non-existent language, and comics from the life of one rabid family. Among the exhibits are also books of poems "Po, Li Bo and Cui" and "Poetry-hee-hee" with drawings by the author, the graphic cycle "Tango War", works from the series "Malevich", including sketches of theatrical costumes and sets.
Also at the exhibition it will be possible to get acquainted with the texts of “Wild Animal Tales” and see their heroes - cockroach Maximka, Sparrow Huseyn, Leopard Eduard, mouse Sofu, poet Yevtushenko and others - in the author’s illustrations, read “Akhinei”, a cycle of more than 60 ads with a bit of absurdity, such as, for example, "Five days until tomorrow" or "Bastard for the night."
The exposition will be supplemented by cartoons based on the scripts of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and her own drawings on a computer drawn by her - “We’ve come, come. Ulysses ”about the return of Odyssey home,“ Pensne ”about the meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov,“ Horror ”about the beauty and snakes and several others, as well as audio recordings of the tales of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya performed by actors.
The small theater of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya will be working as part of the exhibition: on May 31 and June 14 her author’s concerts “Cabaret Pani Petrushevskaya” and “Wandering Songs” will be held here.
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