Erarta Prize - 2024
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с 9 Февраля
по 9 ИюняМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
In 2024, the Prize, established by the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art, will be held for the second time, in which the audience acts as a jury. Based on applications from applicants for the Prize, the museum has formed a list of participants of 40 artists. Their works will be presented as part of a special exhibition organized to determine the winners through audience voting. The total prize fund in 2024 will be increased to 3.5 million rubles and distributed among the Prize applicants according to audience support.

From February 9 to June 9, 2024, in the Great Hall of Erarta there will be an exhibition of works by our contemporaries, selected by the museum from all the material that was submitted by the authors - candidates for the Prize. The Erarta Prize is the first prize in the field of contemporary art, which is awarded based on the results of audience voting, and not according to the opinion of a narrow council of specialists. This principle corresponds to Erarta’s basic philosophy: art is created by the author, but gains strength only through the audience’s perception.
The exhibition will feature paintings, graphics, sculptures, photo and video art, multimedia, installations and works of other areas of contemporary art.
On December 19, the Erarta Museum summed up the results and formed a list of 40 Prize participants:
- Vladimir Andreev
- Igor Andryukhin
- Alexey Lebedev and Nadezhda Belaya
- Konstantin Grachev
- Alexander Grekov
- Vadim Grigoriev-Bashun
- Alexey Golovin
- Archil Didishvili
- Mikhail Dyachkov
- Ivan Egorov
- Evgeniy Zaremba
- Igor Ivanov
- Oleg Ivashchenko
- Alexander Isakov
- Konstantin Kartashevsky
- Dmitry Kolistratov
- Maxim Korolkov
- Ivan Korshunov
- Anastasia Kuznetsova
- Alexey Semichov and Andrey Kuzmin
- Igor Kulik
- Dmitry Loktionov
- Grigory Mayofis
- Yulia Malinina
- Rinat Minnebaev
- Maxim Morgunov
- Mikhail Kaban-Petrov
- Egor Plotnikov
- Vladimir Polyakov
- Victor Ponomarenko
- Philip Rabachev
- Alexander Saidov
- Denis Saunin
- Victor Sirenko
- Vasily Slonov
- Yulia Sopina
- Katya-Anna Taguchi
- Success Failures
- Tatiana Chemeritsyna
- Stakan Psof
Spectator voting in 2024 will be organized in three rounds. In each round, the audience has one vote. For holders of valid tickets to the Erarta Museum from different regions of Russia, who will not be able to come to St. Petersburg during the Erarta Prize 2024 exhibition, the possibility of remote voting will be open: in each of the three rounds, the holder of a valid ticket will have the right to one vote, which you can give away for your favorite work.
The changes will also affect the procedure for distributing the Prize fund. At the suggestion of the most active viewers who have already taken part in spectator activities, the total prize fund for 2024 will be entirely directed towards supporting the authors and divided among applicants in accordance with the voting results. Thus, the prize fund for authors has been increased to 3.5 million rubles.
The distribution of works to the appropriate places will be determined by the number of votes cast for a particular work. In each round, the votes for the remaining works will be reset to zero, and the audience voting will begin anew. The progress of the distribution of spectator support can be monitored on a special display located at the exhibition.
Erarta invites everyone to take an active part in the exhibition and summing up its results. For more details, visit