"Bookplates, autographs, inscripts ..." Book exhibition dedicated to the 170th anniversary of V.P. Sukachev
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Since September 6, in the main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (5 Lenin St.) the first interdepartmental book exhibition of the library of V.P. Sukachev and his family, scattered over 100 years ago, begins to work The exhibition includes unique book monuments, books with autographs, dedicatory inscriptions and bookplates of the Sukachev family, French editions of the 19th century and other rare items.
The exhibition "Bookplates, autographs, inscripts…" for the first time combines rare editions stored in various departments: the Scientific Library of ISU named after V. G. Rasputin, BSU Scientific Library, Library named after I. I. Molchanov-Siberian and the library of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev.
Among the exhibits is the book “Irkutsk. Its place and significance in the history and cultural development of Eastern Siberia ”, 1891, published and edited personally by Vladimir Sukachev; A copy of the collection of poems by Alexei Lugovoi specially made by the author and presented to Anna Sukacheva with a dedication inscription. The exhibition is adorned with works by great French writers and thinkers published in Paris in the 19th – 20th centuries. - Owner-bound books with the Soukatschoff super bookplate: Voltaire, Jules Verne, Nicola Boileau-Depreo, Charles-Louis Montesquieu were read in the Sukachev family in the original.
The exposition is supplemented with genuine photographs and personal belongings of the Sukachevs from the funds of the Irkutsk Art Museum. The exhibition "Bookplates, autographs, inscripts…" continues a series of celebrations dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Vladimir Platonovich Sukachev.
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