Bookplate and art books
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с 27 Июня
по 28 ИюляМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17

June 27, 2019 at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolor by Sergey Andriyaka, the exhibition "Bookplate and Book Art" opens. A unique exposition of the exhibition was exhibits provided by the largest fund of the Central Universal Scientific Library named after N.A. Nekrasov and Orthodox libraries.
The exhibition presents a collection of bookplates and old printed books from the Protopop Avvakum Cultural Pilgrimage Center, the library of the Moscow Metropolis and All Russia, the Russian Old Believer Orthodox Church, as well as a collection of private owners. Visitors to the exhibition will see posters from the collection of D.A. Zakharov, books and illustrations of the famous collector A.G. Egorova, schedule S.G. Gonkova, prints from the Union of Writers of Russia, bookplates for the novel by V.N. Ganichev "Ushakov" about the famous Russian naval commander, illustrations for the novel by A. Fadeev "Young Guard" F.P. Glebova.
The exhibition also allows you to get acquainted with book illustrations by the artist-teacher of the School of Watercolor S.G. Chernyshev, as well as with the first works of students of the School: M. Kalyuzhny and A. Alyoshin, made in the technique of watercolor painting.
Book signs presented at the exhibition deserve special attention. The collection covers periods from the tsarist to the Soviet (1920s). The decoration of the exhibition was a book illustration, including monographs dedicated to M. Vrubel, V. Borisov-Musatov, as well as publications representing the appearance of headpieces and endings, initial letters, publishing signs and stamps. Among the exhibits, visitors will see two striking examples of the propaganda and propaganda genre - posters on the popularization of a children’s book from the famous collector D. A. Zakharov.
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