"Eduard Steinberg. Memory Space"
Automatic translate
с 12 Октября
по 12 НоябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On October 12 at 15-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., exhibition wing) the grand opening of the exhibition of one of the leaders of the Soviet "unofficial art" Eduard Steinberg (1937-2012) - "Eduard Steinberg. The space of memory. "
This exhibition included 30 paintings and drawings by E. A. Steinberg. The exposition was based on works donated to the Museum by the artist’s widow, art critic Galina Iosifovna Manevich, six of which are in the stock collection of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, nine in the Tarusa Art Gallery, a branch of the Museum.
The art of Eduard Steinberg is an intellectual message that incorporates the history of his life, philosophy, metaphysical and existential sense of the world.
Steinberg chooses the language of geometry - “the language of Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, the early Christian catacombs”, which helps him to engage in creativity, while remaining internally free in the era of “socialist realism”. Through eternal symbols: line, cross, circle, square, sphere, triangle, he reflects on life and death. The space of paintings fills the ether, formed by the quintessence of lobular and mountainous substances - Earth and Sky.
Eduard Steinberg is inextricably linked with Kaluga land.
In Tarusa, from the mid-1950s, in the intellectual and creative atmosphere of the house of the artist’s father, poet, translator, twice repressed Arkady Steinberg, the fundamental foundations of the art of Eduard Steinberg were laid - identification of oneself in the context of the Central Russian natural landscape, the choice in favor of internal freedom and resulting from this subsequent self-realization.
Already a well-known artist in the West and in Russia, from the end of the 80s Eduard Steinberg chose Tarusa, where, in a village silence, being seriously ill, he completes his last thoughts on death and eternal life. The artist died in Paris, but according to his will, was buried in Tarusa in the space of his memory.
This exhibition will help the viewer enter the poetic world of the artist’s creativity, fed by the spiritual memory of the Kaluga land.
Curriculum Vitae:
Eduard Steinberg was born in Moscow on March 3, 1937. Father - Arkady Akimovich Steinberg (1907-1984), poet, translator, artist, graduate of VKHUTEMAS, was twice repressed. Mom - Valentina Georgievna Alonicheva-Steinberg (1915-1976), economist.
From 1937-1652, Eduard Steinberg lives in Moscow with his mother and younger brother - Boris Steinberg (1938-2003). In 1954, father leaves the camp. From 1954 to 1961, Eduard Steinberg lives with his father in Tarusa. Studying at the School of Working Youth (SHRM). After finishing seven classes he works as a watchman, digger, fisherman. Begins to draw. He studies under the guidance of his father, copies Rembrandt, Kallo, works daily with nature. The artist’s handbook is Van Gogh’s Letters. In 1957, he marries the teacher of SHRM Valentina Lukyanenko, the daughter of Eugene is born. In 1961 he participated in the first group exhibition in the city club. Uritsky in Tarusa with Moscow artists M. Grobman, B. Sveshikov, V. Vorobyov and others. In the same year he moved to Moscow. In the period from 1957 to 1964, themes inspired by the works of V. Borisov-Musatov, M. Vrubel dominate in the work: female images, flowers, images of a bird, the theme of death.
In 1966, he registered a marriage with Galina Manevich, an art critic, film critic. In 1967 accepts baptism. Meets Eugene Schiffers - director, religious thinker. He begins to get involved in Russian religious philosophy - the works of V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, P. Florensky. In the same year, participated in an exhibition of twenty artists in the club "Friendship" on the road. Enthusiasts. Influenced by the works of D. Morandi and Yves Tanguy, he creates a series of metaphysical still lifes, including stones, shells, fish, and a dead bird; inlaid in the work of geometric elements. In 1968, a friendship began with I. Kabakov and V. Pivovarov, whom the Czech critic Indrich Halupetskiy would call the "group of Sretensky Boulevard." Organic forms replace the cross, circle, triangle, square, prism, sphere. The formulation of the internal concept is born: "Do not break, but synthesize the mystical ideas of Russian symbolism of the 10s and the plastic ideas of Suprematism, more precisely, the ideas of K. Malevich."
In 1978, the first solo exhibition was held in the City Committee of Graphics on Malaya Gruzinskaya. In 1981 he wrote “Letter to K. S.” (Kazemir Severinovich Malevich), exposing creative views in words. From 1984 to 1989 he wrote a series of “memorial” notes inspired by 15 years of his life in the village of Pogorelka on the Vetluga River, in which Steinberg acquired a house in 1972.
In 1985 he met with the Parisian gallery owner Claude Bernard. In 1988, Steinberg was admitted to the Union of Artists. In the same year, the first exhibition was held at the Claude Bernard Gallery in Paris. Buys a house in Tarusa. In 1992, he acquired a workshop in Paris on Campaign Premier Street. From now on, the artist’s life is divided into three cities - Moscow, Tarusa and Paris.
Retrospective exhibitions took place: at the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, 1992), at the Joseph Albers Square Museum (Bottrop, Germany, 1992), at the Morsbroich Castle Museum (Leverkusen, Germany, 1999-2000), Wilhelm Hack (Ludwigshafen, Germany, 1999-2000), Museum of Concrete Art (Ingolstadt, Germany, 1999-2000), the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg (2004) and the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow (2004).
Steinberg has been seriously ill for the past twelve years. March 28, 2012 he died in Paris. Buried in Tarusa.
Eduard Steinberg is an honorary citizen of the city of Tarus, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, winner of the Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts, holder of the Order of Friendship (2008).
Materials used: Edik Steinberg. Biography materials. M.: New literary review. 2015 - 696 p. ; Eduard Steinberg. If water lives in a well… Catalog. M.: Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2017. - 212 p.
The exhibition runs until November 12th.
To the address: Ul. Lenin, 104.
Museum opening hours: daily from 10-00 to 18-00
Saturday - from 11-00 to 19-00
Cash desk closes 30 minutes before the end of the working day
Monday - day off
The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
- Between earth and sky
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- Summer season of the workshop of Eduard Steinberg
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