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7 Декабря
Музей русского импрессионизма
Ленинградский проспект, д. 15, стр. 11
The Museum of Russian Impressionism continues the cycle of performances by young and talented performers. December 7 - Alina Rostotskaya’s concert. Three years ago, the singer already performed at the Museum of Russian Impressionism, and is now returning with a new program. The concert will be held on the ground floor directly under the installation of "Breathing canvas."
Alina Rostotskaya is one of the most extraordinary representatives of the Moscow improvisational scene. She already managed to establish herself as a bright bandleader and author. The singer has a warm and soft tone of voice, a rare instrumental thinking, a subtle sense of style. Alina is now performing with her quartet, in which wonderful Moscow musicians play: Maxim Shibin (guitar), Daria Chernakova (double bass) and Mikhail Fotchenkov (drums). They play modern author’s jazz, their music is transparent, contemplative, watercolor, it combines ultimate vulnerability and power. The sound of the composition is not overloaded, there is enough space for all musicians to express exactly the mood that they want to share with the listener.
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