"Duduk and Organ:
Popular Classics"
Automatic translate
8 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Tuesday March 8, 3 p.m.
Duration - 80 minutes.
The closer to the sky, the wider the horizons. The ability to capture the vast expanses - what could be more attractive? Combining the centuries-old history of music in one concert, mixing the organ with the duduk - we took an amazing chance to create a miracle. We intertwine various genres and directions, we encounter consequences with the primary sources. The organ was once descended from folk instruments. But the duduk, a folk instrument - looks great next to a majestic relative, not at all inferior to him in expressiveness and depth. Folk music competes with baroque and romance. But the roots of the classics are in the folk tradition. A full-flowing river flows from a stream. And the name of Bach is translated as… a stream. Everything is interconnected and harmonious. Like the facets of diamond, differences sparkle. But they are united by beauty and harmony.
Laureate of international competitions
Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Papin Shahbazyan Duduk
Ivan Ipatov organ
Program: G. Purcell, I.S. Bach, V.A. Mozart, T. Albinoni
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to www.belcantofund.com
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