Documentary exhibition "Sonia Delaunay:
In Search of Identity"
Automatic translate
с 27 Марта
по 15 АпреляГалерея Invogue#Art
ул. Екатерининская, д. 25

From March 27 to April 15, the Invogue # Art gallery in Odessa will open the Sonya Delaunay: In Search of Identity, an outstanding documentary exhibition for the Ukrainian community of art lovers.
Sonia Delaunay, an Odessa resident of Jewish descent, at an early age left Ukraine for St. Petersburg and then for Paris. Sonia Delaunay is a figure who has conquered her entire Western world with her talent. Her avant-garde ideas were embodied not only in art, but also in design, textiles, fashion, scenery for theatrical productions.
The project will tell about the great achievements of the famous Odessa citizen, as well as about her contribution to world art. About who Sonia Delaunay considered herself to which country her soul clinged to. Guests of the exhibition will be able to think about the importance of Ukraine and, in particular, Odessa, on her work.
“Sonya was infinitely full of ideas,” says curator of the exhibition Katya Taylor, “and her fame went far beyond the cities and countries in which she lived. By surprising coincidence, in Europe and in the world it is known much more than in Ukraine. Her works are in large museum and respected private collections. For example, at the Pompidou Center in Paris. Delaunay is the first and only artist to have organized an exhibition in the Louvre during the lifetime, without exaggeration, the most important museum in the world. However, very little is known about it in Ukraine. And only recently the collection of the National Art Museum was replenished with two works by Delaunay, who provided us with images of these works for the exhibition. ”
The exhibition will be based on the facts of the artist’s life and work, with an emphasis on the artistic contribution to the history of art that she made with her husband Robert Delaunay, in particular, inventing simultanism and orphism. Odessans and guests of the gallery will look at the cities in which Sonya Delaunay lived, through the prism of her perception: at her Odessa, her St. Petersburg, her Paris, her Madrid and other corners of the world with which she was inspired.
“Sonia Delaunay has become a legend in life,” adds writer and art historian Eugene Demenok. - Many of her design projects and textile patterns continue to be published in exclusive editions after her death. Monographs about her and albums with her works are regularly published in different countries from Asia to America. ”
At the exhibition, you will be able to see vintage posters from the artist’s exhibitions, prints of her works, rare books, including her autobiography and photographs of the early twentieth century, provided by the Central State Film and Photo Archive of Ukraine named after Wheat In order to dispel doubts about the origin of Sonia Delaunay, among the exhibits there are archival documents - a birth certificate and a marriage certificate with Wilhelm Ude, where Odessa is also the birthplace of the artist.
Invogue Gallery # Art
Odessa, street Ekaterininskaya, 25
Gallery hours: from 11:00 to 20:00 daily
Curator Katya Taylor.
Project consultant and headline author Eugene Demenok.
The exhibition was created by the team specifically for the Invogue # Art gallery.
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