Dmitry Barbashin. 6+
Automatic translate
18 Апреля
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
The evening program of piano music included compositions by Rameau, Alcan, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy.
Dmitry Barbashin received his initial musical education at the Choir School at the State Academic Chapel named after M. Glinka, where he studied piano with Vladislav Peysakhov. At the Music College. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov studied with Oleg Isakov. He graduated from the Conservatory in the class of People’s Artist of Russia, Professor Ekaterina Murina. He passed master classes in performing skills from well-known European professors, including Hatto Baerli, Eberhard Felts, Ari Vardi, Orel Nicolas, Thomas Brandis - in Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Goslar. Since 1993, the soloist of the Petersburg concert. For his many years of creative activity in St. Petersburg he played in almost all rooms: from the Philharmonic named after D. Shostakovich, the Catherine Palace, to museums and libraries. He played concerts of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Grieg with orchestras. He gave concerts in the cities of Russia, in Holland, Finland, Italy. In 2016, he became a diploma student at the International Competition in Memory of N.K. Metner. Favorite composers - Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Scriabin and Rachmaninoff.
Rameau. “Calling the Birds”, “Chicken”, “Gypsy”, “Tambourine”
Alcan. Aesop’s Feast
Chopin. Two waltzes
Sheet. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6
Debussy. "Island of joy"
the concert is conducted by Elena Popova
Excursion to the Kochneva House at 18 hours (Queen).
Beginning at 19 hours.
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