Discussion "Movement down? Amateur football in Russia"
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29 Июня
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
June 29 at 19:00.

While the World Cup is booming in Moscow, major brands are sharing world football stars for their advertising campaigns, and the city is hosting guests from around the world in festive hysteria, we suggest moving away from the official agenda and rhetoric of the 2018 World Cup and talk about something else. Although, of course, also about football.
How does sport of great achievements affect regional championships? What successes in the international arena do Russian amateur teams have? Maybe the fact is that people play for love, not for convenience? And it’s not about fame and pathos, but about attachment to the game? The participants of the round table “Downward movement?” Will try to understand all these and other issues. Amateur football in Russia ":
- Dmitry Danilov, writer, playwright, author of the novel “There are Things More Important than Football,” owner of the Golden Mask, 2018 for the play “The Man from Podolsk”;
- Hardy Grüne, editor-in-chief of German grassroots magazine Zeitspiel;
- Anton Mikhashenok, creator of the public “Nobody Needs Football” and FC Gorky (Kursk)
- Maria Poghosyan, soccer player of the Torpedo Sports Complex, Moscow
Discussion moderator: Sergey Novikov, author of the project “GRASSROOTS. Grassroots football in Russia "
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