Diplomatic relations between Russia and America
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Artists wishing to take part in the international art project “Diplomatic Relations between Russia and America” contact the curator of the exhibition Irina Grechanik maya-vita@yandex.ru and by phone Tel. : 8-926-87-35-700.
Address: Moscow, Pereyaslavskaya 15
Dates: August 10-30, 2016
Opening: August 11, 2016 at 18:00
Project curator in Moscow: Creative Union of Professional Artists, Irina Grechanik
The opening of the exhibition was approved by the Moscow Department on August 11, 2016 at the library named after A. S. Griboedov, diplomat and cultural figure. To participate in the exhibition, works in any style in the historical genre illustrating the events of that time, seascapes and sailing ships, portraits of mission members and important government figures of that time, scenes of receptions and balls of past centuries, city landscapes depicting buildings and structures up to 19 are accepted centuries, ancient genre scenes.
The ARTIST TV channel became a co-organizer of celebrations in Washington in honor of the anniversary of the historic event of Russian-American relations. At the opening of the exhibition will be a speech by the authors of the literary and journalistic journal "Clausura". On June 7, 2016 at 18:30 in Washington, at the Navy Club in Farragaut Square, a gala evening was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the first official visit of the American Navy to Russia.
For 150 years, relations between Russia and the United States have changed from friendly to tense, but have always remained in a peaceful framework. The Russian Navy supported the North American United States during the American Civil War in 1861-1865. At the end of the war, on August 6, 1866, an American naval squadron led by United States Ambassador Gustav Fox arrived in Kronstadt on a return visit.
On August 25, 1866, the Moscow City Council, Admiral Gustav Vaz Fox, was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow"
“In commemoration of the arrival at the invitation of the city society to Moscow of the deputation of the North American United States to bring Emperor Alexander II and the whole Russian people congratulations on the occasion of the deliverance from the danger that threatened His Majesty and in special respect of the city society to Mr. Messenger Fox, who led it embassy". In the wake of the Americans’ travels, the book “Americans in Tver” was published in 1866, which was repeatedly transmitted and became a valuable source of information on history and local history. A similar book was published in 1873 in the United States on 444 pages of the book "Gustavus Fox Mission to Russia" ("Gustavus Fox Mission to Russia"). It talks about the essence of the relationship between America and Russia.
“On September 29, 1863, the first Russian squadron headed by Rear Admiral S. S. Lesovsky and consisting of 6 warships entered the Hudson Strait. The British and French, who fought on the side of the Confederates, did not dare to confront the Russian fleet. At the same time, France, which had hatched plans for invading Russia using the Polish uprising, was isolated and abandoned its original plans. The conflict did not go into open battle and everyone was the winner. Moreover, such timely assistance from Russia met with warm support from the American public. Russian sailors were surrounded by widespread attention, leading American politicians, senators, and public figures boarded the Russian squadron. "
- "First Squadron". Exhibition of works by Boris Belsky
- Exhibition "Under the Sky of Bizerte"
- “Fantastic Mr Fox” by Roald Dahl
- “The Adoration of Jenna Fox” by Mary E. Pearson
- Alexander Mosolov. To the 120th anniversary of the birth
- In the project "First in Russian" at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov presented the Finnish play