"Girls prefer oilmen." Exhibition project of Irina Eldarova
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с 1 Ноября
по 3 ДекабряГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
Opening of the exhibition project of Irina Eldarova “Girls prefer oil industry workers” will take place in the MVK RAX Art Gallery. The exposition will comprise about 70 works of painting and graphics.
Irina Eldarova is a famous Azerbaijani artist, bright, unexpected, emotional, acutely modern, freely and talented expressing her sense of peace through painting. Her work invites you to think about a lot. On canvas, plywood and whatman, oil, watercolor or acrylic, the author shares with the viewer the associations and plots born in her imagination, telling in his own way about good and evil, dreams or life-aggravating contradictions and intrigues.
The main characters of the series “Girls prefer oil industry workers” are the unknown Baku oilman from Soviet posters of the 60s and the most famous blonde of world cinema Marilyn Monroe. The combination of two myths - the "bright ideals of communism" and "American dream", two sex symbols - male and female creates a romantic and at the same time fantastic story because of its unattainability.
Caspian oilmen: a classic of the genre - “severe style” by Tahir Salahov. The irony about Soviet visual ideology in perestroika social art in Russia. Merlin Monroe as the quintessence of pop art in the work of Andy Warhol. Making fun of graphic cliches and self-making fun of pop art by Jeff Koons, or, for example, paper scraps of movie posters as the material of Mimmo Rotella in creating the ephemeral metaphor of the symbolic product created by the "dream factory"… These myths and images of previous decades are peculiarly transformed in the work of Irina Eldarova. A girl involuntarily invades the harsh male world of oil fields in the open sea. The life of the characters of the past is filled with sincere human feelings - what if ("what if")?
Along with the numerous works of recent years, several paintings of the 1990s are on display. Verified by composition, these expressive panels / plateaus tell us about another Irina Eldarova, help to discern in her new, only partially figurative, works a subtle pulsation of the natural texture.
Graphic sketches of the artist presented at the exhibition, enlarged to grandiose sizes and printed on a plotter, can also be considered a kind of clue to the creative personality. They make it possible to understand that the picturesque images on a large canvas are actually a quick pencil sketch of an on-going feeling… a picture that accidentally fell out of an overflowing card index of memory.
To the question about what the work of Irina Eldarova interestingly answered by art critic Dilyara Vagabova:
“It seems that Irina Eldarova writes her own novel, using all possible means for this - paints, photographs and even poetry… Abstract and at first glance simple geometric compositions are built on her with complex gradations of colors and their shades. Certain color combinations, which are clearly associated with the artist’s inner life, become an indicator of her emotional state… ”
Irina Eldarova was born in 1955 in Moscow. In 1974 she graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School (Moscow Art School). She took lessons from professors of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin (1975 - 79 years). Received the diploma as a graduate of the Moscow State Art Institute. V.I. Surikova, where she studied in 1980-82. under the guidance of the famous master of book graphics, Professor Boris Dekhterev. He has been living and working in Baku for more than 30 years.
Irina Eldarova is the author of a series of monumental marble panels installed at the Khalglar Dostlugu metro station (Baku, 1988). The sphere of professional interests of the artist also covers photography, video art, journalism.
Since 1995, is the art director of the Caspian Publishing House, as well as a member of the British Journalists Association. She took part in the development of the artistic concept of the State Books of Azerbaijan (2000), Kazakhstan (1999, 2000 and 2003), Uzbekistan (2002), Caspian magazines from 1995 to the present, Loaded (Russian edition, 2003), BOOM (Russian edition) and many other international publications.
Since 2012 - chief artist of the National Museum of Art of Azerbaijan. She took part in many exhibitions, both abroad and in Russia and other CIS countries.
The author’s works are in the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), the Museum of Modern Art (Baku, Azerbaijan), the Museum of Art. R. Mustafayev, the Baku Center for the Arts, is also the property of many private collections.
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