A series of lectures by Irina Chmyreva about the Czech school of photography in the framework of the exhibition "Visions of Victor Kolar"
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с 13 по 27 Июля
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
July 13, 20 and 27, 2016
The Center for Photography named after the Lumiere Brothers, with the support of the Czech Center in Moscow, presents a series of lectures by Irina Chmyreva as part of the exhibition “Visions of Victor Kolar”.
Czech photography has always been an important source of knowledge for the history of Russian photography, and at the same time the mirror in front of which Russian, Soviet authors examined themselves, trying to understand who they themselves are. A series of lectures by Irina Chmyreva “Czech Photography” covers the entire XX century. Photographic modernism and the “new materiality”, the formation of documentary photography in socialist Czechoslovakia and modern Czech photographic schools — these issues will be discussed at the July meetings at the Center for Photography.
Irina Yuryevna Chmyreva, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Arts, art director of the PhotoVisa International Festival of Photography in the Krasnodar Territory. Researcher of the history of Russian photography in the context of European art processes in the twentieth century.
On July 13, at 19:00, as part of the educational program dedicated to the exhibition, a lecture “Czech photography of the 1920-1930s: photographic modernism and new materiality” will be held. The names of Eugene Wiskowski, Frantisek Drtikol, Rudolf Kopits, Jaroslav Rossler, Josef Sudek, Jaromir Funke make up the classics of Czech and world history photography of the first third of the twentieth century. The most fruitful period for each of these authors is two decades between the two World Wars. A lecture is devoted to this period in the history of Czech photography, the most characteristic directions in its development, and key names.
July 20 at 19:00 as part of the educational program dedicated to the exhibition, a lecture “Victor Kolar. The Czech school of documentary photography of the 1960-1990s. ” Victor Kolar, the hero of the July program of the Lumiere Brothers Center, is one of the most striking and characteristic figures of Czech photography in the second half of the 20th century. But the conversation about him will be incomplete if you do not talk about the formation of documentary photography in Czechoslovakia / the Czech Republic of the 1960-1990s, in which, next to Kolar, there are such names as Jijdrich Straight, Eva Fuka and others.
On July 27, at 19:00, as part of the educational program dedicated to the exhibition, a lecture will be held on “Photographic Education in the Czech Republic 1990-2010”. Known for its photographic schools with traditions dating back to the big names of the founding fathers, the Czech Republic became the crucible in which a new photograph of Central Europe is born. Young and talented authors from different countries choose the Czech Republic as their place of education, because the names of schools such as FAMU, the University of Opava have become iconic for those who are looking for a platform for deep knowledge in various fields of photography, for dialogue with famous masters, for working out own style.
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