A series of lectures on the phenomenon of Art Deco in architecture and design
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с 12 Марта
по 16 АпреляГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25

The Art Deco style originated in the era of the “roaring twenties” and today is associated in our minds with Parisian fashion, the novel The Great Gatsby and American skyscrapers. A series of lectures on the phenomenon of Art Deco in architecture and design will be held at the Museum of Architecture. A.V. Shchusev from March 12 to April 16.
The origins of Art Deco are in the Art Nouveau style - the last great style of the century before last. From the twentieth century, Art Nouveau was seen as fleeting and fancifully decorative. Meanwhile, he anticipated another bright page of art of the twentieth century, called art deco. Art Deco has embraced most of the countries of the Old World and very actively influenced the young art of America, especially after the 1925 International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris. Art Deco created an extremely attractive, expensive and functional image of the new world, and therefore interest in it is still steadily held in the antique and decorating business.
The lectures will touch on the features of the development of style in different countries. In France, for example, the Art Deco style was reflected in the design of the French transatlantic ocean liners "Ile de France" and "Normandy." As for the United States, the growing popularity of the style was based on the achievements of French decorators who worked in large numbers in the New World after the end of the 1925 exhibition in Paris. However, in America, Art Deco became more massive, acquired lines that convey speed and dynamics. In addition, the features of Art Deco are also noticeable in Soviet architecture: in the design of the underground part of the Mayakovskaya metro station, on the facade of the Library named after V.I. Lenin and other structures.
Lecturer - Elena Gryaznova, art critic, specialist in Russian-French cultural relations, exhibition architecture and art nouveau and art deco art, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Vice-President of the IAA / UNESCO National Committee, member of the IAA / UNESCO / Europe International Executive Committee.
Entrance to the lectures is paid, tickets are purchased at the box office of the museum.
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