Automatic translate
с 14 Июля
по 9 АвгустаГРАУНД “Песчаная”
ул. Новопесчаная, 23/7
July 14, 2015 at 19.00 in the galleries of the GRUND “Sandy” and “Khodynka” of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” open the exhibition and symposium “BLACK IN SQUARE: MALEVICH & ARTSCIENCE” - unique events dedicated to the centennial of the cult painting “Black Suprematist Square by Kazimir Malevich” "(1915).
Events in Moscow are a continuation of the BLACK2 festival, which started in April in Amsterdam, the city where the largest collection of Malevich’s works outside Russia is stored.
At the exhibition “BLACK SQUARE: MALEVICH. THE SCIENCE. ART ”will feature innovative works by leading Dutch art & science artists and their colleagues from Belarus and Belgium, inspired by the aesthetic, philosophical and social ideas of Kazimir Malevich.
In 1915, the exhibition "0.10. The latter is futuristic ”marked the collapse of traditional aesthetic values and social structures. A century later, reviving the convergence of art and science, a new revolution takes place: BLACK2.
The birth of quantum physics, space exploration, incredible urban and geopolitical transformations - the fundamental changes first felt by Malevich in aesthetics, today awaken the imagination of a new generation of artists. Their works left the metaphors expressed in oil paintings and architectural models, and moved towards direct sensory perception and discovery of a physical phenomenon. Nanomaterials that allow for almost complete absorption of light, levitation techniques, and coherent light sources such as a laser make up the palette of rethinking Malevich’s legacy.
Artists and participants of the festival:
Evelina Domnich, Dmitry Gelfand, Julia Borova, Frederik De Wilde, Gert-Jan Prins, John Cage, Edwin van der Heide, Labofactory (Jean-Marc Chomaz, Laurent Karst, Francois-Eudes Chanfrault), Herwig Weiser, Bas van Koolwijk, Sergey Bugaev-Africa, Dmitry Gayev-Orlov, Andrey Vereshchagin, Vladimir Grafov, Eduard Rakhmanov.
Exhibition BLACK SQUARE: MALEVICH. THE SCIENCE. ART is organized by the Synergetics Amsterdam Laboratory of Science and Art.
GRUND “Khodynka” and “Sandy” - two exhibition spaces included in the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow”, created on the initiative of the Department of Culture of the city. GRUND is a living experiment focused on cross-disciplinary projects related to modern visual art in symbiosis with experimental theater, music and literature, as well as projects created at the intersection of art and technology. Directions GRAUND "Khodynka" - new media, the Laboratory of sound culture, video art, science-art, a resident program. Directions GRUND "Sandy" - installations, experimental theater, performance, public art, music and literature.
Dates of the exhibition: July 14 - August 9, 2015
GRUND "Khodynka", st. Irina Levchenko, 2, metro Oktyabrskoe Pole;
GRUND "Sandy", st. Novopesnichnaya, 23/7, metro station Sokol
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11.00 -20.00, Monday closed
Tickets: 100 rub., 50 rub. preferential