Chaikovsky. Dvorak 12+
Automatic translate
5 Ноября
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
Chamber music evening. Program by Irina Mkrticheva and Oleg Weinstein.
The artists of the St. Petersburg Concert will perform the cycle “Gypsy Melodies by Antonin Dvořák, written in 1880 on the verses of the Czech poet Adolf Heyduk (1835-1923). "Gypsy Melodies" praise the freedom-loving and proud people of a mysterious tribe roaming the lands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire with their strange songs and dances, accompanied by cymbals - the favorite instrument of the Gypsies. In a motley sequence, sketches of nature, songs and dances replace one another, without forming a single line of development. The piano accompaniment imitates the ringing of a triangle, then the fingering of cymbals, then the passages of the violin. Singing vocal themes in the folk spirit are enclosed in simple stanza forms, colored by a masterful variation of texture and harmony.
The aria of Mermaid from the opera of the same name by Dvorak and Tchaikovsky’s romances will also be performed, in the instrumental part of the concert Oleg Vainshtein will perform fragments of Tchaikovsky’s Seasons.
laureate of an international competition Irina Mkrticheva (soprano)
laureate of international competitions Olei Vainshtein (piano) the
concert is conducted by Olga Vorsina
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