Chaikovsky. Rachmaninoff. Forever ...
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29 Июня
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
Arias, duets, romances, piano compositions performed by artists of the Petersburg Concert.
As the classic said, any page of a genius is good, no matter where you open it. Over the years, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky and S.V. Rachmaninov never ceases to attract listeners to concert halls. She sounds everywhere in the world, for all time, gathering all new fans around her.
The program has everything for the most sophisticated listeners, vocal duets and scenes from operas, romances and piano compositions.
Laureate of international competitions Anastasia Meshchanova (mezzo-soprano)
Laureate of international competitions Svetlana Taneeva (soprano)
Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Forostyaniy (piano)
The concert is conducted by Olga Vorsina
Beginning at 19 hours.
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