Bob Koshelokhov. Modus infinitivus
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с 8 по 30 Апреля
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
Bob Koshelokhov is like him: color and form, painting and graphics, searching and stopping. After this name, it is difficult to put a dash and give a simple definition.
Yes, Bob Koshelokhov is an artist.
But what is this word - "artist"? From which side to approach it? Its grammatical meaning as a noun has the same verbal character as other words: salt, stool, bread. In this sense, for Bob Koshelokhov, the simple definition of "artist" is not enough.
Bob Koshelokhov himself said: “I don’t know what philosophy is, and I don’t know what art is, and what painting is. For me, it’s a discovery every time." Therefore, can I give a definition - who is Bob Koshelokhov and his art? No.
The definition of Bob’s creativity is found in his work: in thousands of pastels, in thousands of canvases and sketches, in square kilometers of color. Bob called a person into co-creation, into a dialogue that he himself constantly conducted with the world. Each of his works is the result of an experience of searching in order to create an artistic language that transforms the human experience of life "on this sinful earth."
Before the first acts of creation, when Bob realized himself as an artist and began to create assemblages and installations, which he called "concepts", the main occupation for Bob was philosophy. He "read, read, and read." Thanks to the philosophical view of the world, at the beginning of his artistic career, Bob had already formed his credo - everything around is paint, color, graphics, image. And in order to understand Bob’s expressionistic works, it is important to know the words he said, "It doesn’t matter how, it matters what!" It is this formula that gives us the key to the locks of being and the world around us - what Bob depicted.
Modus infinitivus is the indefinite form of the verb, which, due to its abstractness, appears to us as a simple bare expression of the kind of infinity in which the verb realizes and manifests the fullness of its meaning.
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