Biennial special project "Panopticon"
Automatic translate
с 26 Сентября
по 23 ОктябряДворец Культуры МГТУ имени Н.Э.Баумана
Рубцовская набережная, 2/18
September 26 in Moscow at the Palace of Culture MSTU named after N.E.Bauman will be the grand opening of the special project "Panopticon" VI Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. The project involves Russian and foreign artists, known for their research and innovative activities in the field of art.
The organizers of the project are Russian collector and philanthropist Maxim Egorov and Elena Komarenko, collector, curator of the art gallery 73 Street, member of the TSHR.
The theme of the Panopticon special project is the combination of science and technology with contemporary art; an artist who fills things and materials that are ordinary at first sight with new meanings, which encourages the viewer to expand the boundaries of perception and realize the incredible versatility and harmony of the world.
Within the framework of the Panopticon, eleven prominent authors from Russia and abroad will present their works: Dmitry Kavarga, Sergey Katran, Ekaterina Sisfontes (Sweden), Marina Ragozina, Vladimir Potapov, Denis Patrakeev, Alyona Shapovalova, Daria Surovtseva (France), Igor Baskin, Aljoscha )Germany). Among the works are painting and photographs, media objects and installations, video and sculpture, combined with an innovative approach in execution.
Project participants:
Alena Shapovalova is an artist and curator of the Panopticon project, a nominee for the Kuryokhin Prize, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a participant in numerous exhibition projects, international symposia and biennials. Works are in public and private collections, including in the collection of the Russian Museum. The project explores the impact of stereotypes on issues of human self-identification.
Vladimir Potapov , an artist and curator, explores new technologies in painting, including using transparent materials in his works. Winner of a number of prestigious awards, winner of the 2014 Kandinsky Prize. He will present multilayer spatial works, portraits of people lost during the transition from one time to another.
Sergey Katran is an artist-inventor, author of art objects at the intersection of science and art. He uses the latest media, video, audio technologies in his works. Laureate of the “LomonosovArt” Prize, nominee of the Kuryokhin Prize. In the project “Panopticon” will present objects that study the transformation of time.
Dmitry Kavarga is the author of interactive kinetic installations and objects created in collaboration with scientists, programmers and engineers. A regular participant in international technology art festivals such as Lexus Hybrid Art, Ars Electronica, File and others.
Ekaterina Sisfontes (Sweden) - jeweler, inventor of a new method of filigree production, author of video and art objects. Nominee of the Kuryokhin Prize, prize-winner of LomonosovArt. Participant of Russian and foreign biennale of contemporary art. Explores the movement in space of time.
Dmitry Zhukov is a sculptor, known for his fundamental metal objects made in the forging technique. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Member of a number of museum exhibitions (State Russian Museum, Erarta Museum, Moscow Museum of Modern Art) and festivals. His works are in the Erarta Museum and numerous private collections.
Denis Patrakeev , an artist-researcher, considers art as a spiritual practice, using unexpected materials in his work: earth, water, milk, casts of teeth. Member of numerous exhibition projects. In the project “Panopticon” will present the author’s study “12 + 1”, devoted to questions of the category of the present.
Marina Ragozina , a graduate of MediaArtLab and Free Workshops of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Laureate of the Innovation 2014 Prize in the New Generation category, Nominee of the Sergey Kuryokhin Prize in the Pop Mechanics Grand Prix nomination. Works with photography, video and art objects. The project will present a futuristic look at the “golden fund” of classical art through the prism of censorship and total observation.
Igor Baskin , artist, curator, author of the Personification Program, founder of the direction “Non-Intellectual Art”. Multidisciplinary author. The project will present video documentation of performances from the Wall series, dedicated to the existential, philosophical, psychological, social, sexual aspects of human being and thinking related to borderline situations, situations of restriction, demarcation, separation, attitude, overcoming, will and effort.
Daria Surovtseva (France) - sculptor, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, Moscow Union of Designers, House of Artists (Maison des Artists) in Paris, participant of numerous exhibitions in Russia, Austria, Belgium, France, Korea, Hungary. The works are in collections of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art (Art4ru), private collections in Belgium, Korea, France.
Aljoscha (Germany) - sculptor, participant of numerous foreign exhibitions and biennials. The project will present an object made of silicone and aluminum, which traveled from India by ferry, fishing boat, land transport, bathed on the beach, revealing its shape as a creature.
The opening in September of the VI Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art will be one of the main cultural events of 2015. The most relevant part of the biennale is traditionally the Special Projects program, the purpose of which is to give the most complete picture of the development of contemporary art in Russia and to acquaint viewers with global trends in this area.
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