"Infinitely about the same thing." Exhibition of works by Vladimir Kolesnikov
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с 13 Сентября
по 2 ОктябряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
September 13, 2016 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by the famous Moscow sculptor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vladimir Kolesnikov, "Infinitely about the same."
Sculptor V. Kolesnikov actively works in monumental and easel plastic. The monuments he created adorn the squares and streets of many Russian cities. Among the most significant monumental works are monuments to Marshal I. S. Konev and General I. S. Kutaisov in Moscow, General V. F. Margelov in Vyazma, sculptural compositions: “The feat of General A. Raevsky with his sons”, “Andrei Rublev”, "Leonardo" in Moscow, a memorial plaque to Yuri Vizbor in Kabardino-Balkaria and others.
V. Kolesnikov was born in 1954 in Moscow. The artist received the first lessons of mastery from his father, the wonderful sculptor Yuri Petrovich Kolesnikov, who worked with such distinguished architects as I.V. Zholtovsky and A.V. Schusev. Together with him he participated in the creation of large monuments erected in Ulyanovsk, Kazan, Vologda, Volgograd. He graduated from the Moscow Art School at the Surikov Institute, in 1980 - Moscow Technological Institute, sculpture department, where talented teachers taught - A.N. Postol and H. B. Gevorgyan. An important role in the professional development of the artist was played by the sculptor-muralist Nikita Lavinsky, who headed the commission on work with youth in the creative union.
Vladimir Kolesnikov - master of easel sculptural portrait. He dedicated his early work - a vibrant, dynamic composition made of Postnik-Barma ceramics to Russian architects - creators of St. Basil’s Cathedral. The sculptor constantly refers to the images of outstanding figures of culture, literature, history. Among the best works of the master is a marble bust of A.S. Pushkin (2013), an integral, refined and powerfully designed, subtly conveying the scale of the personality of the great poet.
In the 1980s, V. Kolesnikov showed interest in small forms of easel sculpture. This period is marked by the creation of works made in white marble - “Danae”, “Stranger”, “Europe”, “Aphrodite” and others. The sculptor delicately conveys the sensual shades of the ideal beauty of the naked body, which is achieved by soft outlines of the sculptural volumes and thorough surface treatment material.
"Pontius Pilate" (1989) marked a new stage in the work of Kolesnikov. Classically perfect female images are being replaced by another hero. His pose, the pained expression of his eyes, the squat torso cut out of marble, the deliberately rough texture of the stone give special expressiveness to the image. It has a sharp decorative effect, and subtle psychologism, and a deeply individual view of the author on a well-known historical figure.
Vladimir Kolesnikov skillfully combines several materials in his work: stone, metal, wood, ceramics, aluminum. His monumental and decorative compositions: “The Blindest Among the Deaf”, “Return”, “Iron Merchant” look spectacularly in natural space, require active perception by the viewer, who has something to think out, finish painting in the imagination.
The sculptor is constantly experimenting with expressive means. So, in the work of Leonardo (2012), he combines new materials with the traditional form of the antique high relief, in particular foil, processed to the texture and tactile rigidity of the metal.
An unusual interpretation of the image stands out a peculiar monument to Andrei Rublev (2012). The Old Russian artist is depicted by the sculptor almost in an icon-painting manner: a kind of halo is even indicated above his head with a special round line of a metal hood. This work, according to the author, is dedicated to his father, who at one time created an amazing image - the hands of a brilliant painter.
The sculptor’s works are in museum and private collections in Russia, including the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, and in many foreign collections: France, Germany, Italy, the USA, Greece and other countries.
V. Kolesnikov was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”, the order “Generals of Russia”, a diploma of the Government of Moscow, medals “Shuvalov” and “For Services to the Academy” of the Russian Academy of Arts and other awards.
Vladimir Kolesnikov created his own unique style. Deep spirituality, sharp metaphor, internal expression of images allow us to talk about him as one of the brightest representatives of modern Russian sculpture.
The exposition includes works of different years - monumental and easel plastic.
The exhibition is open on October 2, 2016.
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