White Waltz. 6+ Automatic translate
9 Марта
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
In the performance of Andrei Svyatsky, the masterpieces of the French chanson, songs from the movies, urban romance will sound.
Andrei Svyatsky, laureate and winner of the Grand Prix of the All-Russian romance contests, diploma winner of the International Romance Games Competition, performs with various programs in Russia and abroad, in the famous concert halls of St. Petersburg - BKZ Oktyabrsky, the Grand Philharmonic Hall and others. Solo concerts in St. Petersburg are most often held in the concert hall near Finland and in the White Hall of the Polytechnic University. Repeatedly toured in Poland, Ukraine, Norway, Finland. He tours a lot in Russia. The most valuable thing in the music of the Russian romance is its rich and expressive melody. Wide chant, flexibility and plasticity of the melodic line are inherited from the folk song. The development of everyday romance lyrics played an important role in shaping the Russian national musical style. The intonations of everyday romance penetrated widely into opera and instrumental music of the first half of the 19th century.
laureate of international competitions Andrei Svyatsky
Laureate of international competitions Oleg Weinstein (piano)
the concert is conducted by Olga Vorsina
Beginning at 15 o’clock.
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