"Ballads of other worlds." Recycle-art 12+
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с 4 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Business Art" 3rd floor.
From September 4 to October 1, 2019, the exhibition of the famous St. Petersburg artist Igor Ivanov will be held at the Museum of Modern Art of ARTMUZA.
Igor works in the recycling technique (from the English recycling - “waste recycling”) and continues the dialogue with the audience of the new exhibition. The exposition will feature works of different years, in which the artist thinks that everything in nature is cyclical and seeks to return to its origins, and then begin a new cycle of movement.
Many visual-plastic finds amaze not only with a nostalgic note that refers to futuristic illustrations of science fiction genre novels and which are remembered, first of all, by incredible illustrations, and only then, by text, but also, by the impressive depth of references to archaic and mythology, become a visiting card of the artist.
Carrying his viewer into the bowels of the Earth and the depths of the ocean, the work, as always, is ascetic in choosing the auxiliary color introduced into the monochrome palette. This stylistic device allows you to pay all attention to the strict harmony of the composition, the rhythms of textures and an unusual plot that breathes life into each story of the painting. The characters are grotesque and charming, at the same time frightening their believable universe and attracting the understatement of the future. The mythology of ancient peoples serves as a source of inspiration and is integrated into the conditions of technological progress of the depicted civilizations, and the mysteries of the heritage of Atlantis give rise to unusual anthropomorphic experiments.
As a long story told in a long journey on a halt near a fire, the scenarios and the characters living in them are no longer perceived as utopia, but rather as the author’s reflection on the future of science, technology, spirit - their progressive development, which is not yet here, but already exists in a parallel universe, breaking into thousands of possible versions of the finale or leap forward. The artist circles the time, trying to show his vision of its interpenetration in this endless circle of variations.
These are ballads of other worlds, the artist himself becomes an involuntary secret-eye, opening the viewer the curtain on the unity of knowledge and religions, traditions and legends of the ancient races that inhabit these fairy-tale worlds that are so similar to ours.
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