Basics of icon painting. The beginning of the path
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с 5 Сентября
по 3 НоябряИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
On September 5 at 17.30, the V.P. Sukachev Estate will host the opening of an exhibition of works by graduates of the Icon Painting Studio at the Church of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy. The exhibition includes students’ graduation works, as well as works completed in 2020 – 2024.

The icon painting training studio at the Church of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy was organized in 2016. During the training, students learn about the features of icon painting, the icon painting canon and iconography, the history of icon painting, the basics of the Church Slavonic language and church calligraphy, technological techniques, learn to gild and work with gold leaf, correctly apply paints and practice various techniques in icon painting. The studio is headed by the icon painter of the Irkutsk diocese, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Elena Aleshina.
At the exhibition you can get acquainted with the technology of icon making, find out how much time each stage takes, what materials the artists use. On weekends from 12.00 to 17.00 the studio graduates will be present at the exhibition: they will conduct excursions and talk about the process of icon painting.
The exhibition "Basics of Icon Painting. The Beginning of the Journey" will be open at the V. P. Sukachev Estate (112b Dekabrskikh Sobytiy St.) until November 3. Telephone for inquiries and to sign up for excursions: 53-12-24. Available on the Pushkin Map: .
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