Rock avant-garde Automatic translate
5 Февраля
Рахманиновский зал консерватории
ул. Большая Никитская, д. 13/6
02/05/2019 at 19:00.
Fausto Romitelli
Professor Bad Trip: Lesson I for ensemble (1998)
Tristan Murray
Vampyr for Electric Guitar (1984)
Gyorgy Ligeti
Hungarian Rock for Harpsichord (1978)
Louis Andrissen
Workers Union for Orchestra (1975)
Terry Riley
Misha’s Bear Dance for Piano (1994)
Peter Ablinger
Black series for four instruments (2012)
Steve Reich
Radio Rewrite for ensemble (2012)
Alexey Potapov, electric guitar
Mikhail Dubov, harpsichord
Mona Hub, piano
Studio New Music Ensemble
Conductor - Sergey Akimov
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.