"Whole life ahead"
Automatic translate
29 Февраля
Театр С.А.Д.
просп. Мира, д.26, стр. 1
February 29, the last day of winter, in the Commonwealth of Drama Artists will host the play "All Life Ahead" based on the eponymous work of the famous French writer Romain Gary.
The premiere of the performance took place on November 26, 2016 with the support of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and since then the performance has been with full houses!
The tragicomedy “All life is ahead” based on the novel of the same name by Emil Azhar (Romain Gary), twice winner of the Goncourt Prize, is the story of an Arab boy and old Jewess Madame Rosa who survived Auschwitz and opened a shelter for children that no one needs.
Ten-year-old Muhammad, whose name is Momo, lives in the Parisian Belleville district with Madame Rosa, an old Jewish woman who survived Auschwitz, a former woman of easy virtue. His father gave him to the shelter many years ago, which turns out closer to the end of the play. Momo is not the only child in the shelter. The mothers of most of the children whom Rosa brings up are prostitutes, and they pay for the maintenance of their children. Momo makes her way in life, as she can, dreams of finding or acquiring a mother. When Madame Rose gets worse with age, it is Momo who will help her survive, and will stand at the head of the bed until her death. For him, she is the dearest person, and for her she is the only true love. But let me remind you that a child leads the story, and that is why the form of "game" is chosen. This complements the brightness of colors and images, the childish perception of serious life topics. An interesting performer starring Momo - Cyril Rubtsov. The actor found an unusual for the viewer, a very honest, truthful image of a child. Without sussies and niggle, he conveys the most important thing - the image and character of the child, very accurate intonations, behavior, even a look. Sometimes you catch yourself thinking that somewhere you have already seen this boy. He does not play it. Momo is in front of you, only now he looks like this. Well, it happens…
In the play, as in the novel, the national question is raised: Jewish and Arab themes are sharply heard. But love has no religion or nationality. It is necessary for everyone.
Yes, a lot of questions can arise both for costumes, and for scenography, and for directing. But the theme touches the play. What you want to think about, reflect on, think about. A performance about absolute love that will not betray. It has no smell, color, or religious conviction. After the performance I want to live! The whole story is permeated by the boy’s love for his mother. Both the present and the one that raised him. But the most important things are laid in childhood. How will he grow up? That is the question.
Performance Director: Viktor Alferov
Stage author: Valery Ushakov
Choreographer: Andrey Merkuryev
Starring: Kirill Rubtsov and Olga Prikhudaylova