Art remembrance New Year’s Vinaigrette
Automatic translate
с 18 Декабря
по 31 ЯнваряСанкт-Петербургский музей игрушки
Наб. реки Карповки, 32
Olivier with semisweet Soviet champagne, vodka dumplings, herring under a fur coat, caviar loaf, jellied fish under The Irony of Fate, Napoleon under the Russian feast, and Mishka’s crunch in the north under the crackling sparkler… And what was on your holiday table in those already distant and so close 60s, 70s, 80s? Not so boring was the New Year’s table of the Soviet Union. It happened, and you won’t drag it by the ears!
Let’s remember together! New Year is a time of jokes and practical jokes. The St. Petersburg Toy Museum presents the public culinary art recollection of New Year’s Vinaigrette. All of the above and even a little more, the audience will see in the "serving" of the exhibition hall of the museum. Adults will remember old funny feasts under television blue lights, kids will be able to try on an astronaut’s costume, receive New Year’s greetings from orbit, correctly assemble dishes from the ingredients offered and even (don’t think bad!) Try on an Olivier salad.
Famous art moderators will joke at the Toy Museum:
Andrei Efi and Anton Galin.
As always, Soviet Christmas decorations from the Toy Museum’s funds will help you immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere, but this time they are all about food. Tasty and fun… As once.
- Exhibition "Herring under a fur coat"
- Адриан ван Остаде: голландский художник-жанрист, Харлемская школа