Art project POP-UTOPIA
Automatic translate
с 23 Апреля
по 4 ИюняГалерея современного искусства Inner Voice
Михайловская улица, д. 2
In St. Petersburg at Mikhailovskaya St. 2, in the building of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic named after D.D. Shostakovich, the new Inner Voice contemporary art gallery and an exhibition of the artists’ creative duo Galina Bleikh (Israel) and Elena Serebryakova (Russia) are inaugurating. They will present the POP-UTOPIA art project.
Maria Simkina, creator of the Inner Voice contemporary art gallery, as well as the curator of the POP-UTOPIA art project exposition, tried to make the first exhibition a cultural event for the Northern capital. “Pop utopia” is not only the name of the exhibition, but also a new term proposed by artists as a definition of the idea of dystopia in the era of mass consciousness.
As you know, 2016 was declared the year of utopia: 500 years ago, the English humanist Thomas More wrote his famous Utopia, a book about universal happiness. Utopia is a manifesto of the social dream, an eternal illusion - and a warning. Based on the ideas of posthumanism and its varieties, the POP-UTOPIA project is a report from the future, overpopulated by the invariably happy and infinitely socialized, zeroed out “posthuman” people, such as REINCARNATION ZERO - the product of the auto-evolutionary process of human development. Absolutely self-sufficient, they no longer need the subject environment, material culture and experience of previous generations. Posthumanists promise us in the near future with the help of advanced technologies to save us from suffering, physical pain and fears, to give immortality and a perfect, forever young body with enhanced physical and intellectual capabilities.
The images that inhabit the world created by artists Galina Bleikh and Elena Serebryakova unexpectedly subjugated the traditional classic interior of the gallery with the complex geometry of vaulted ceilings, arches and niches. “In addition to the semantic aspect, our art project has a powerful resource for expansion - the seizure of territories with the help of the expanding reality populated by the heroes of our pop utopia. We create this world using multimedia tools - three-dimensional computer graphics, video, large format prints and posters, ”the artists say.
The exhibition will be open to visitors from April 23 to June 4, 2016, admission is free.
Gallery hours: Tue - Sat from 12:00 - 18:00. Address: Mikhailovskaya street, 2.
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