Art project "Mmiirroorrss" at the "Tea Factory"
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“Mirors” in translation from English means “mirrors”, but it is the repetition of each letter in this word that interprets the distorted reflection of our reflection which each of the creators, experiencing emotional, philosophical, mental and deep feelings, projects in the form of art that he is engaged in… ”- says the Project Curator Ilya Pucheglazov.
During the opening of the art project, the space of the premises of the former Odessa Tea-packing factory will be divided into two zones: a static zone to display the main exposition, photograph and graphic; Interactive zone - for presentation of live video and audio content.
Developing and supporting the idea of decentralization of cultural development in Ukraine and the policy of autonomous regional cultural development, the Public Organization, the Tea Factory Experimental Center for Contemporary Art, coordinator Maria Gonchar, presents the Odessa version of the Mmiirroorrss Festival from Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
The art project was launched in February 2013 in Rostov-on-Don in Creative Space, the first creative economy in southern Russia, located in the former Obkomov garage on 52a Suvorova Street.
Photo: Anna Comet, Vlad Parshin, George Obukhov, Lika Kalandadze, Misha Badasyan, Sergey Glinin, Tatyana Bukhantsova, Ivan Miroshnichenko.
Graphics: Ilya Pucheglazov, Ulyana Pucheglazova.
Image gif: Victoria Eye.
Graffiti installation: Anton Kulish.
Audio: Vitaly Lalia.
Video show: Andrey Kachalyan, Alina Berezhnaya, Sergey Glinin, Georgy Obukhov, Misha Badasyan, Minor.
Opening of the exhibition on May 03, 2013, at 17.00.
Interactive zone, opening at 21:00, May 03, 2013.
The exhibition runs May 03-17, 2013
Experimental Center for Contemporary Art "Tea Factory"
Quarantine street 21/1, Odessa.